Classic Albums

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Beitragvon Klosterbomber » 12. Mai 2005, 22:48

Leck mich FETT ... hier gibts ja wohl ALLES!!!!

<a href='' target='_blank'></a>
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Registriert: 15. April 2004, 09:30
Wohnort: Hell

Beitragvon imperator » 12. Mai 2005, 23:28

Wie! Jetzt erst entdeckt die Seite? Da gibt es wirklich alles, aber der Sound zu reinlauschen könnte ruhig besser sein.
;) ;) ;)
Aus einem traurigen Arsch kommt niemals ein fröhlicher Furz.

Meine Sammlung:
Beiträge: 1976
Registriert: 13. Juli 2004, 22:40
Wohnort: Leverkusen

Beitragvon steel-prophet » 25. Mai 2005, 16:21

Du solls dir die Alben bei Steven Cannon ja auch brennen lassen und bezahlen und nicht einfach bloĂź :lol: runtersaugen!!!
Beiträge: 1029
Registriert: 12. April 2005, 08:45

Beitragvon imperator » 25. Mai 2005, 16:33

Ach sag bloß, da währe ich jetzt gar nicht drauf gekommen. :P :P :P
Aus einem traurigen Arsch kommt niemals ein fröhlicher Furz.

Meine Sammlung:
Beiträge: 1976
Registriert: 13. Juli 2004, 22:40
Wohnort: Leverkusen

Beitragvon Glutgott » 28. Mai 2005, 14:45

Wie kann man die Mp3 auf der Seite öffnen ? Ram Format? Wie öffnet man das. Einen Real player hab ich Version 8.

sorry das ich grad so Off topic bin :P
Linkin Park-FĂĽr-Metal-Halter
Beiträge: 29
Registriert: 6. Mai 2005, 23:35

Beitragvon imperator » 30. Mai 2005, 23:44

Eigentlich nur den Song anklicken, den rest macht der Realplayer alleine.
Aus einem traurigen Arsch kommt niemals ein fröhlicher Furz.

Meine Sammlung:
Beiträge: 1976
Registriert: 13. Juli 2004, 22:40
Wohnort: Leverkusen

Beitragvon Lynott » 1. Juni 2005, 00:03

imperator hat geschrieben: Eigentlich nur den Song anklicken, den rest macht der Realplayer alleine.

...genau !!!!
Current Faves<br>1. Isole - Silent Ruins<br>2. Street Legal - Bite The Bullet<br>3. Savage Blade - We Are The Hammer<br>4. The Derek Trucks Band - Already Free<br>5. Dead Man - Euphoria<br>6. Los Lonely Boys - Forgiven <br>7. Tales Of Medusa - Rehearsal Tape 2008<br>8. Striker - Road Warrior EP<br>9. Heart Of Cygnus - Over Mountain Under Hill<br>10. Wolf - Ravenous
Beiträge: 2053
Registriert: 22. März 2004, 20:06
Wohnort: Kiel

Beitragvon Jeff Ulmer » 1. Juni 2005, 18:48

Great, another pirate site where the owner is selling bootleg MP3 albums under the guise of "gifts". This does NOT support the metal scene in any way, shape or form, and I am very disappointed to see members here supporting and promoting it.
<b><a href='' target='_blank'>Othyrworld</a> | <a href='' target='_blank'>Othyrworld on MySpace</a> | <a href='' target='_blank'>Sacred Blade</a> | <a href='' target='_blank'>Sacred Blade on MySpace</a></b>
Jeff Ulmer
Beiträge: 75
Registriert: 13. März 2005, 05:07
Wohnort: Canada

Beitragvon Ulle » 1. Juni 2005, 19:08

Agree 100%
Sacred Metal-Legende
Beiträge: 13474
Registriert: 6. Januar 2004, 21:37

Beitragvon Michael@SacredMetal » 1. Juni 2005, 19:41

Same opinion here...
For all the words unspoken, for all the deeds undone,
for all our shattered dreams, for all the songs unsung,
for all the lines unwritten and all our broken hearts,
for all our wounds still bleeding and all our kingdoms come.
M e r c y f u l F a t e
Beiträge: 12509
Registriert: 6. Januar 2004, 16:45
Wohnort: Osnabrueck

Beitragvon Ice-B » 1. Juni 2005, 20:06

Sorry, I don't fully agree. It depends on how people use the site.
Personally, I never "bought" anything from the guy who runs the page, though I'm frequently visiting it to inform myself in the "classics" section...and it's definitly the best way to listen to old, rare and obscure stuff and get an impression on what the music is like. Nobody is forced to support the sale of the music in the offered form. As a collector, I'm simply not interested in mp3-bootlegs, the only thing that counts are originals (CD or LP), which I always try to get hold of after having listened to the items on "vibrations".

On the other hand I have to admit, that it's highly probable, that this site (which besides is the oldest internet fanzine on the web, as far as I'm informed) would have no chance of surviving without the financial gifts of people ordering stuff there.

Well it's a double-edged weapon...

Greez, Ice
"Out of all genres, Heavy Metal will always survive, because it's the will of the people" (Bruce Dickinson)
Beiträge: 1821
Registriert: 30. März 2005, 20:53
Wohnort: New Jersey

Beitragvon Jeff Ulmer » 1. Juni 2005, 21:08

Sorry, but it does not depend on how people use the site. The guy has no right to be distributing this music in the first place, whether for demonstration or other purposes. Second, he is financing this illegal distribution by selling copies of albums he does not have any rights to. I could see SOME argument if he were simply allowing downloads of the material - preferably excerpts, but this is a commercial venture with one purpose - to make the guy money selling stuff he doesn't own. That is commercial piracy.

While I am sure there are many people who would use the site for research only, it still doesn't help the bands one bit, since none of the proceeds from the sale of used items on ebay ever make their way back to the artist. What could help these bands is a similar listing with information on contacting them or their labels to encourage a reissue, but why should any legitimate label even think of reissuing these albums when they are widely available for free on the 'net?

I have run a nuumber of sites that I fully funded, in the effort to promote the films and bands I featured. One of my sites eneded up encouraging 20th Century Fox to issue the film on DVD, and to include commentary by the director plus other material that I donated. Another helped launch similar sites for the band I featured and increased awareness of them, who eventually reformed after 30 years. If you want to raise awareness for a forgotten act or album, there are proper ways to go about it. This guy's site isn't it.

Sorry to be posting in English.
<b><a href='' target='_blank'>Othyrworld</a> | <a href='' target='_blank'>Othyrworld on MySpace</a> | <a href='' target='_blank'>Sacred Blade</a> | <a href='' target='_blank'>Sacred Blade on MySpace</a></b>
Jeff Ulmer
Beiträge: 75
Registriert: 13. März 2005, 05:07
Wohnort: Canada

Beitragvon Ice-B » 1. Juni 2005, 22:16

Jeff Ulmer hat geschrieben: Sorry, but it does not depend on how people use the site. The guy has no right to be distributing this music in the first place, whether for demonstration or other purposes. Second, he is financing this illegal distribution by selling copies of albums he does not have any rights to. I could see SOME argument if he were simply allowing downloads of the material - preferably excerpts, but this is a commercial venture with one purpose - to make the guy money selling stuff he doesn't own. That is commercial piracy.

While I am sure there are many people who would use the site for research only, it still doesn't help the bands one bit, since none of the proceeds from the sale of used items on ebay ever make their way back to the artist. What could help these bands is a similar listing with information on contacting them or their labels to encourage a reissue, but why should any legitimate label even think of reissuing these albums when they are widely available for free on the 'net?

I have run a nuumber of sites that I fully funded, in the effort to promote the films and bands I featured. One of my sites eneded up encouraging 20th Century Fox to issue the film on DVD, and to include commentary by the director plus other material that I donated. Another helped launch similar sites for the band I featured and increased awareness of them, who eventually reformed after 30 years. If you want to raise awareness for a forgotten act or album, there are proper ways to go about it. This guy's site isn't it.

Well, I partly accept your statement from a musician's point of view, who tries to refund part of all the work he invested in the production and promotion of a record...

But I do not as a music fan, who regularly spends a huge amount of money on LPs and CDs, including a lot of official re-releases, not only 2nd hand ebay stuff (besides I belong to those who ordered both Sacred Blade/Othyrworld releases via your page). Well, you might say, especially as a fan I should...But isn't it true, that since Heavy Metal is around, there has been this discussion between musicians, labels, traders etc. on one side and consumers on the other? In the eighties, music industry (major or independend) was crying about "home taping is killing music", just like they do today because of "internet piracy". To me, your arguments today are quite similar to those of Lars Ullrich attacking Napster.

Now, would you say Heavy Metal was killed by home taping? I would rather say, it was strongly promoted and put to the level it once reached by this underground method of getting to hear new music every day. I first got in touch e.g. with your own band, when a friend copied me the record back in the good old times. And though I still own this tape, I ordered your re-releases ages later...

Don't get me wrong, but I just find your statement a little bit too harsh...and I'm fully convinced that, although most people posting in this forum are collectors of originals, almost everybody got a few things only as mp3s, just like we were swopping tapes 20 years ago...One simply cannot afford buying every single CD before checking it out (sometimes intensely) through mp3's or e.g. on pages like "vibrations". I'm not willing to accept the "buy or die"-principle...

Again, I have to state, that I never bought anything from Steve Cannon, and I never will...But I really enjoy surfing his page in search for inspiration...

Rgds, Ice
"Out of all genres, Heavy Metal will always survive, because it's the will of the people" (Bruce Dickinson)
Beiträge: 1821
Registriert: 30. März 2005, 20:53
Wohnort: New Jersey

Beitragvon Jeff Ulmer » 6. Juni 2005, 02:39

I'm sorry if I sound harsh, but my objection to this guy's site is that he is profitting by selling stolen music.

As for the taping/file sharing discussion, I'm not going to go there, but I do have a couple of comments. First, in the tape trading days, it took quite a bit of effort and money to make and mail tapes, which meant that distribution was fairly limited.

Now, by simply placing a copy of a song on your hard drive, you can distribute to hundreds of millions of people instantly, indescriminately, and with basically no effort. While it may expose the bands to a larger audience, I have yet to see evidence that it actually increases sales, since with millions having access to all this material, actual sales are the same or less than they were twenty years ago. I believe that those who have always supported the bands are still doing it, while the rest are simply taking the music and not making it any easier for us to make more.

I don't expect anyone to buy everything that comes out, and I certainly want to know what I'm buying beforehand. But selling bootleg copies to pay for your site is just plain wrong IMO. No offense intended.
<b><a href='' target='_blank'>Othyrworld</a> | <a href='' target='_blank'>Othyrworld on MySpace</a> | <a href='' target='_blank'>Sacred Blade</a> | <a href='' target='_blank'>Sacred Blade on MySpace</a></b>
Jeff Ulmer
Beiträge: 75
Registriert: 13. März 2005, 05:07
Wohnort: Canada

Beitragvon Ice-B » 6. Juni 2005, 23:13

Jeff Ulmer hat geschrieben: actual sales are the same or less than they were twenty years ago.

Just one more little reply, thereafter I promise to shut up ;)

As for the record industry there's a simple solution to the decrease of record sales: Just reduce your greed, stop crying and make CDs and legal downloads cheaper...
"Out of all genres, Heavy Metal will always survive, because it's the will of the people" (Bruce Dickinson)
Beiträge: 1821
Registriert: 30. März 2005, 20:53
Wohnort: New Jersey


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