Swedish Metal Attack Lille 19/01/08

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Beitragvon Frank » 26. Oktober 2007, 18:14

On saturday,january 19th,2008,EmanesMETAL records is proud to present you the "<span style='color:red'>SCANDINAVIAN METAL ATTACK-</span>The Swedish Assault" Festival with 6 of the best of the swedish real heavy metal scene:
<span style='color:red'>RAM:</span>Headliner.Real Killer One with Strong Stage presence."Heavy Metal Tyranny".
<span style='color:red'>TORCH:</span>Swedish Legend!!! 1st LP "Torch"1984; 2nd LP "Electrikiss"1985: BUT THEY STILL KICK ASS!!!
<span style='color:red'>PORTRAIT:</span>Highty recommandable newcomer influenced by real metal like MercyFul Fate.
<span style='color:red'>ENFORCER</span>:hey...this is 80's metal:Real Strong on Stage with some Dianno/Maiden touches mix with real good eighties influences(PrettyMaids,TokyoBlade...).
<span style='color:red'>IN SOLITUDE</span>:It seems that there is a spontaneous generation in sweden for some times now and this band definitely belongs to it!!!
<span style='color:red'>HELVETETS PORT</span>:Highly 80's N.W.O.B.H.M influenced band...and they know that!!!

See their myspace page to learn more about them all and listen to their great music.
"La Boite à Musiques",rue Amédée Prouvost,59150 WATTRELOS (FRANCE):Ask for more details by myspace mail or mail to emanesmetalrecords@orange.fr or phone to (0033)6 67 13 67 30!!!!!!!!!
Linkin Park-FĂŒr-Metal-Halter
BeitrÀge: 16
Registriert: 7. September 2005, 13:26

Beitragvon Prof » 26. Oktober 2007, 19:08

Wow, excellent billing, even the great new band In Solitude (incommunicative as they are...). Seems that things are happening in the north of France!
BeitrÀge: 11845
Registriert: 19. April 2004, 16:28

Beitragvon Metalpriest » 27. Januar 2008, 20:42

So the concert was done (great Time, great Bands, great organizer, very low prices and a very low but huge crowd).

Review will follow in the next Metal Obsession along with interviews from Helvetets Port, In Solitude, Enforcer, Portrait and RAM.
(some of the interviews will be released in the later coming MO)

Stay tuned.
<br><br><br><img src='http://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o166/Torron79/SBF7Banner.gif' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
US Metal-Kenner
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Registriert: 29. November 2005, 00:41

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