INSANIT...still cursed after all those years!

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Beitragvon big mouth » 3. August 2007, 07:51

Update on drummer Bud Mills;
It appears that a blood clot has gone into his lungs and after a biopsy that ruled out Lymphoma the doctors think it is a Cancer of a gland (possibly stomach, pancreatic, or colon cancer) and they are doing more tests to find out the source.

We are all deeply troubled at this time for he is our brother and best friend. Obviously music is secondary at this point and we had to cancel all the shows we had set up. Insanity will get back on track eventually (we have a lot of new/reworked shit to record for the next full length release).

We just want to thank those that support the band in good times and bad (seems like there's been a lot more of the latter). Anybody that wants to write to him directly (he doesn't do myspace) can at;
big mouth
BeitrÀge: 419
Registriert: 3. August 2005, 10:53

Beitragvon Forbidden Evil » 3. August 2007, 12:16

This sucks. Hope he will get well soon.
Die Mucke

Forbidden Evil
BeitrÀge: 1969
Registriert: 14. Juli 2006, 16:51

Beitragvon big mouth » 2. September 2007, 08:37

The situation with Bud is getting real BAD as I see the doctors have diagnosticued what he really has.... you can give him some support at:
<a href='' target='_blank'></a>

People should not forget that he was one of the first drummer in high speed death/thrash metal and also one of the strongest!!!!

Fuckin' cancer!
big mouth
BeitrÀge: 419
Registriert: 3. August 2005, 10:53

Beitragvon Irish Coffee » 23. September 2007, 09:37

big mouth hat geschrieben: Update on drummer Bud Mills;
It appears that a blood clot has gone into his lungs and after a biopsy that ruled out Lymphoma the doctors think it is a Cancer of a gland (possibly stomach, pancreatic, or colon cancer) and they are doing more tests to find out the source.

We are all deeply troubled at this time for he is our brother and best friend. Obviously music is secondary at this point and we had to cancel all the shows we had set up. Insanity will get back on track eventually (we have a lot of new/reworked shit to record for the next full length release).

We just want to thank those that support the band in good times and bad (seems like there's been a lot more of the latter). Anybody that wants to write to him directly (he doesn't do myspace) can at;

Man, what a crappy situation for the band. There was always this type of shit going on around Insanity. A shame...
Odins wilde Krieger aus dem Norden kehren wieder. Abgerissen und zerschlissen, dennoch ungebrochen. Holstein, Deine Helden wollen sich zu Worte melden. Voller Stolz und voller Wut, hier wird gestanden, nicht gekrochen.
Irish Coffee
BeitrÀge: 1234
Registriert: 22. Februar 2005, 18:16
Wohnort: Rungholt, near Tittenhurst Park

Beitragvon big mouth » 6. November 2007, 21:40

Talking about TRULY SAD NEWS:
It is with a very heavy heart I write this update.

Bud's doctors have determined that continued chemotherapy could kill him faster than the cancer at this point and they have decided not to give him any more chemo treatments. Basically they believe they have done all they can.

As our brother Chris wrote on the latest blog on his "Bud will beat cancer" page ( "Although the prognosis is negative I continue to hope and pray for what is known as 'miraculous reversal'." We share that sentiment and all of us are in total shock. It was only March of this year Bud played a brutal and pounding set as Insanity played the Knitting factory in Hollywood (right before Repulsion, Atheist and Obituary) at the L.A. Murderfest.

We have decided to release the "Visions of Apocalypse" album with the drum tracks recorded a few years back for the pre-production demo of the album. Even with all he is going through, he apologized for not being able to re-record the album (on his better sounding drum kit) with all the improvements we have made. (Some of these changes have been made to the tracks in the editing process but some parts have older beats that we will have to keep for this release as well as the tracks done on his old kit.) But that shows you the character of this great man to care about letting us down in spite of going through a hellish reality filled with pain and agony. It is no wonder why he has so many close friends that are doing everything they can for him because he is not only a one of a kind talent (and responsible for the beat that took thrash a step closer to blast in 1985) but an even more incredible person. I for one will be hoping with all my being that some kind of miracle happens because I love him like a brother and feel privileged to have had known him as a friend and a drummer from the age of 17.

Once again we thank all of you that have sent messages or comments of support. This has truly been a nightmare but Bud has appreciated everyone's care and concern even though he has been unable to respond personally.

big mouth
BeitrÀge: 419
Registriert: 3. August 2005, 10:53

Beitragvon big mouth » 11. November 2007, 10:25

Things are going totally for the worst....
Here is a post from Chris Springer's support page for drummer Bud Mills who is like a brother to us.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

a touching visit

I just got home from Bud's. What an intense and difficult (yet still touching) visit this was. Bud is in a severe stage of this awful disease and it was a very somber time. He does not have enough strength to sit up or open his eyes. He is back on the oxygen machine and speaking is barely possible. However, he still hears everything, and does respond to his loved ones. His Mom and Megan were the only ones he would call out for and accept help from. can't beat Mom or Wife, can you. I had several VERY touching experiences today, but I will relay only one. When I was leaving I said, "This is Chris...I love you." He mouthed, "Love you too." Then I said, "I'm producing a CD of the last time you played drums to give to everyone for Christmas." To this he gave me a 'thumbs up'. I cry as I write today's blog entry. -C

Tomorrow the band will be visiting him for what might be the last time we see him. Seeing him suffer through this has been the most excruciating thing ever and we all feel so helpless not being able to do anything for him. At least he will be at peace soon but he will be missed more than words can describe. -D
big mouth
BeitrÀge: 419
Registriert: 3. August 2005, 10:53

Beitragvon big mouth » 15. November 2007, 07:10

R.I.P. Bud! Mzy yuou jam in outer space with Joe 20 years later!

It is with the heaviest of hearts I post this update.

Our dear friend and bandmate Bud Mills is finally at peace after a hellish battle with esophagial cancer. A few of his close friends and I were there with his wife Megan when he passed sometime after 1am last night. Although this was the worst night of my life, I feel priviledged to have been there with him, his wife and our other friends. I am still in awe of the tidal wave of support and love he received from his very special circle of friends and family. He was not only an amazing talent but an amazing person with a huge heart, wit and sense of humor. His loss is completely devastating and will leave a huge void in all of our lives.

He really appreciated all of the comments and support he received from his friends, fans and the metal community. We need to keep that support going for Megan and all of us grieving his loss. Comments can also be sent to his page and/or Chris Springer's support page (in our top friends).

Local friends and fans are welcome to his service which although not yet 100% confirmed will likely be Saturday at 3pm at First Presbyterian Church of Burlingame - 1500 Easton Dr, Burlingame - (650) 342-0875 which is where He and Megan were wed. (we will confirm this soon)

Once again thanks for all of your support during this hellish time.
big mouth
BeitrÀge: 419
Registriert: 3. August 2005, 10:53

Beitragvon big mouth » 16. Dezember 2007, 13:30

<a href='' target='_blank'></a>
big mouth
BeitrÀge: 419
Registriert: 3. August 2005, 10:53

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