What's your opinion on the new Exodus album?

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Beitragvon Stormbringer » 17. Oktober 2005, 00:08

Am I the only one who was disappointed with the new Exodus album? I really had no expectations at all when they did the Tempo album. I was really pleasently surprised with I heard it! I know Laurent pretty much hates it. I thought it was really good actually. I wish they hadn't included a couple of songs as they were fillers, but over all it was a really strong comeback. Also, Exodus kicked some major ass live when I saw them at Sweden Rock last year. This time I had pretty big expectations. The album will probably grow on me, but so far I haven't really gotten into it. I really hope Gary will let Lee help him out with the songwriting for the next album as he seems to have run out of ideas! The new singer didn't do much for me either I'm afraid. In my opinion the new Heathen demo is waaaaay better! Anyone who share my opinion?
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Beitragvon Guest » 17. Oktober 2005, 02:30

I think the new EXODUS album SUCKS! I have given it about 10 spins so far, and I really wanted to like it, but I just don't. To me, the new album is definitely HEAVY, but the new songs I find to be quite boring and not very memorable. And new singer, Rob Dukes, definitely does NOT fit in at all with the EXODUS sound. I loved "Tempo" and have always liked Zetro's Udo-ish at times voice. I was really looking forward to hearing "Shovel-Headed Kill Machine," and when I finally heard it for the first time, I just couldn't get into it. I thought it might grow on me with subsequent listens, but it still has not. Hey Gary, bring back Zetro and stop shopping at Hot Topic ahahaha..... And StormBringer is right; the new HEATHEN demo absolutely KICKS ASS and shits all over the new EXODUS!!!

Beitragvon EricStav » 17. Oktober 2005, 02:39

Oops! The previous new-EXODUS-bashing post was mine as I forgot to log in (as usual) hahaha...
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Beitragvon Hugin » 17. Oktober 2005, 03:46

So far, I only have heard the song "Raze", and I like that one very much. A good pal of mine however told me, that the song wasn't representative for the whole album, and that the overall direction was too much Metalcore-like. I usually trust his verdict, but as I was really pleased by "Raze", I still have hopes that I might like the whole album.
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Beitragvon steelreign » 17. Oktober 2005, 14:48

Ah, man it's way too modern sounding with all of its metalcore bullshit riffs and crappy hardcore vocals. What happened to thrash metal as it is supposed to be?! This isn't it, that's for sure!
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Beitragvon OSMRECORDS » 17. Oktober 2005, 17:34

I actually share your views as well. I am very disappointed in this album. My problem is probably the fact that Gary was hyping it up as the best Exodus album ever and I have to say it is no where close to that. The vocals have one range. No versatility in it at all. The drumming is certainly not Bostaphs best. I expected more. There is only one or two songs that get you going the rest is more blah.
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Beitragvon big mouth » 17. Oktober 2005, 21:39

Well to make it short.... I like it more than "Tempo" considering that this time there's some riffing with substance at times, not a whole lot but still much more.."Altered Boy" or whater is the best track to me...this said, it's far to be a good/ great album...Bostaph disapoints a GREAT DEAL here comparing to the stuff he did in SLAYER and FORBIDDEN (EVIL). Lee is the real star despite the lack of time to write his leads..

The new HEATHEN demo is not comparable to this. While EXODUS are unable to pen a few decent songs nowadays, HEATHEN simply smokes because they've kept the same songwriting style and the inspiration is stiull here while Gary's mind is simply empty...sad but true.....
big mouth
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Beitragvon Metal Beer Horror » 17. Oktober 2005, 22:15

It's OK...nothing special but I do like it alot more than I did "Tempo" which I thought was total garbage.

Then again this is a much different band than the one that released "Tempo"...three new members taking over pivotal spots in the band (drums,guitar and vocals) does change the chemistry a bit. I don't know mow much input the new people had as far as songwriting go but I would assume it was alot.

BTW:Exodus was supposed to play in Brooklyn,NY this past weekend. The show was cancelled. The show was ORIGINALLY supposed to take place in Farmingdale,NY. THAT CLUB CLOSED DOWN AS WELL! Fucking A!
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Beitragvon Guest » 18. Oktober 2005, 15:40

Actually Gary does all the writing so no, the new members didn't have much imput on the new material.... well Paul could come up with his own parts of course but he didn't force himself to come up with shredding parts so.... well now it's more like GaryHolt's EXODUS than anything else but i don't care cos Hunolt and the others didn't have any imput either for quite somle time on the material so....

Beitragvon Temple of Blood » 5. November 2005, 07:47

I think it's awful. It's their worst album yet. The new vocalist is monotone.

They're gonna have to make some major changes for me to buy their next album, and I liked "Tempo of the Damned" quite a bit.
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