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BeitragVerfasst: 23. Juni 2004, 15:19
von Cthulhu
Ja, hm, weiß nicht. Ich würd' sie mir nicht doppelt kaufen. Andererseits ist das(der?) Re-Release angeblich auf 5000 Stück limitiert, was ja wieder ein Kaufgrund wäre. Achja, und ein Bonus-Track is och druff. Den hab' ich aber noch nicht angehört. Ich schmelze nämlich gerade mal wieder vor Helstars "Burning Star" dahin. Warum gibt's denn eigentlich heutzutage nicht mehr diese coolen 80er Jahre Produktionen mit den übertriebenen Hall-Effekten beim Gesang. Ich find' das soooooo geil!!! :D

BeitragVerfasst: 23. Juni 2004, 17:35
von Göran Herming
Auf 5000 limitiert, das wird ewig erhältlich sein, das Zeug!!!! Ich kauf das in ein paar Jahren billig! Das kaufen doch nie 5000 Leute in so kurzer Zeit, so geil das ALbum auch ist... :blink:

BeitragVerfasst: 23. Juni 2004, 18:23
von Storming the Gates
Ulle hat geschrieben: Wo wir schon bei JP sind:
Hat jemand von Euch schon den "Chain Of Command" Rerelease gehört?
Lohnt sich ein Kauf wenn man die RC besitzt? Soooo schlecht war der Sound da nämlich nicht...

Ich finde den Sound nicht soooo viel besser !!!!

BeitragVerfasst: 23. Juni 2004, 20:51
von Göran Herming
MichaelKohsiek hat geschrieben:
All the best to you, best Metal singer in the world!!!


Danke, mir geht es auch wirklich gut.... :P Soviel Lob, das wär doch gar nicht nötig gewesen :rolleyes:

BeitragVerfasst: 13. Juli 2004, 01:40
von Cthulhu
Auf gibt's endlich zwei MP3s zum runterladen. Klingen ganz putzig. Erlaubt mir aber bitte, dass ich bis zur Veröffentlichung der Platte noch etwas skeptisch bleibe. :D

OT: Bin ich eigentlich der einzige, dessen Lieblings-Song aus der gesamten Conklin-Phase "Recompense" ist?

BeitragVerfasst: 13. Juli 2004, 10:41
von Ernie
Na, das klingt doch mal sehr vielversprechend, was die Panzer da machen...:)

BeitragVerfasst: 6. August 2004, 21:54
von Jag Panzer
To answer the first post (If I understood it correctly)

Harry is very much the singer for Jag Panzer. Bob is not coming back. A few different people have asked me about this.

Bob and I were very good friends when he was in the band. We had a chance to renew the friendship while I was working out the details for the 'Chain of Command' release. I engineered a demo for Bob a few months ago. Bob returned the favor by singing backing vocals on 'Casting the Stones'.

It was nice to work with Bob but there he no chance he will ever sing for Jag Panzer.


BeitragVerfasst: 6. August 2004, 21:56
von Michael@SacredMetal
Jag Panzer hat geschrieben: To answer the first post (If I understood it correctly)

Harry is very much the singer for Jag Panzer. Bob is not coming back. A few different people have asked me about this.

Bob and I were very good friends when he was in the band. We had a chance to renew the friendship while I was working out the details for the 'Chain of Command' release. I engineered a demo for Bob a few months ago. Bob returned the favor by singing backing vocals on 'Casting the Stones'.

It was nice to work with Bob but there he no chance he will ever sing for Jag Panzer.


Hey Mark!

COOL, that you've made it here!!
Hope we will see some more postings from you here - it's always great to see some musicians posting here!!

The stones will be casted soon...


BeitragVerfasst: 6. August 2004, 21:59
von Michael@SacredMetal
Due to current happenings... :-)

What's your favorite JAG PANZER record to date??


BeitragVerfasst: 6. August 2004, 22:06
von Jag Panzer
MichaelKohsiek hat geschrieben: Due to current happenings... :-)

What's your favorite JAG PANZER record to date??


1. Casting the Stones
2. Thane to the Throne
3. Mechanized Warfare
4. The Fourth Judgement
5. The Age of Mastery
6. Ample Destruction
7. Chain of Command
8. Dissident Alliance

BeitragVerfasst: 6. August 2004, 22:17
von Cthulhu
Jetzt fühl ich mich doch glatt etwas beschämt Bild. (Aber wenigstens hab ich's indirekt geschafft Mark Briody auf das Board zu holen ;))

Sorry Mark!

It wasn't my intention to spread any rumors.

BeitragVerfasst: 6. August 2004, 22:26
von Jag Panzer
Cthulhu hat geschrieben: Jetzt fühl ich mich doch glatt etwas beschämt Bild. (Aber wenigstens hab ich's indirekt geschafft Mark Briody auf das Board zu holen ;))

Sorry Mark!

It wasn't my intention to spread any rumors.

No problem at all!

I admit that it does look strange when Harry cancels shows (Ballistic) at the same time Bob shows up.

It's just coincidence though. We have no plans for any members changes, this lineup has been going strong for 5 albums (Age, Thane, Mech, Decade, Casting).

People have also been asking about a Titan Force re-union. The guys in Titan Force were very excited when they played 'Bang Your Head'. A couple of the guys in Titan Force were talking about doing some recording. But Harry told me that after that got back from Germany he called them a few times. They spoke a few times but nothing ever got past a few phone calls. 2 of the Titan Force guys play in a very popular jazz band here in Colorado. This is how they earn thier money, by playing jazz.

So I think that playing Baligen was very cool for them, but there is no interest to do anything else.


BeitragVerfasst: 6. August 2004, 22:28
von Michael@SacredMetal
Didn't know how difficult this question is - here's my list

1) The Age of Mastery
2) Thane to the Throne (my only complaint is the really ugly cover - sorry Mark! And I even have it on vinyl... :-( )
3) Mechanized Warfare
4) Chain of Command
5) Ample Destruction
6) Fourth Judgement
7) Dissident Alliance

Can't put in "Casting the Stones" due to still-spinning-in-player-reasons... :-)


BeitragVerfasst: 6. August 2004, 22:49
von Ernie
Hi Mark, welcome to the board! Great to see another poster from the "Power Zone" over here...:)

BeitragVerfasst: 6. August 2004, 22:52
von Ernie
This is a tough one!

1. Mechanized Warfare
2. The Age of Mastery
3. The Fourth Judgment
4. Thane To The Throne
5. Ample Destruction / Tyrants EP
6. Chain of Command
7. Dissident Alliance
