Die 150 Sacred Metal-Pflicht-Alben, die es gar nicht gibt

Schreibt euch die Finger wund ĂĽber das groĂźe Thema "Metal" - ĂĽber neue Platten, neue Bands, Konzerte etc.

Moderator: Loomis

Re: Die 100 Sacred Metal-Pflicht-Alben, die es gar nicht gib

Beitragvon The-Aftermath » 26. Januar 2011, 14:29

1. WITHERED - The knives of thousand suns (Funeral Doom)
2. ANIRION - Tales from Spectral Worlds (Progressive Power Metal)
3. THE DEVIL'S GHOST - Nox Saturnaliae (Occult Retro Rock)
4. SAVVAGER - Nights of Blood (Schwedischer Heavy/Speed Metal)
5. NEBELANGST - Gräulich finster Waldgetier (Pagan/Black Metal)
6. BETTEL ARM - With Sword In Ass (True Metal)
7. BOMBAY SUPER SLUTS - Spit It Out And Lick It Up (Skandinavischer Sleaze n' Punk 'n Roll)
8. HEIDENHEIM - Es saĂźen die alten Germanen... (Pagan Metal)
9. AQUILONIAN THRONE - Titans of War (Epic Metal)
10. AUSWEIDUNG - Fritz Haarmann und die Puppenjungs (Goregrind)
11. PACIFIC LAW - The Silver Log (Epic Metal)
12. HELLCAT - Dark Legions (angesleazter US Power Metal)
13. BLACK STAR - Plague in Lucifers Mind (Psychedelic Doom Metal)
14. BATTLECHRYST - God's Warriors [Teutonic White Metal]
16. SPITZER - Heavy Mörtel Rohbau (DDR Metal)
17. WARTANK - Pure Filth Of Mayhem (Punk Metal)
19. DARK PROPHETS - Metal Storm - Rainbowed Water (Private US Metal]
20. IMMĂ–RTEL - Battles In The Beton [True-Black-Metal]
21. AXE HERO - Brainstorm (Italian Epic Metal)
22. DISPERATE HOUSEWIVES - Cook Nothing Tidy Nothing Clean Nothing (Feminist D-beat Punk)
23. MEDIEVAL KNIGHT - The Witch of Methusalem (US Metal, EP, Privatpressung von 1984, limitiert auf 100 Exemplare)
24. EASTERN ORBIT - Future Force (Space Metal from Japan)
25. SS SUPER SAVAGE - We Are Strong And You Will Die (Death/Thrash)
26. HELLISH COWMASTER - Texas Terror (Progressive Sludgecore)
27. ANCIENT FOREST -The Forest Whispers My Nickname [Black-Metal]
28. ZEUS (Can) - Chariots of Steel (True Metal)
29. SCHLEYER - Autumn Awaits (Anarcho Thrash)
30. WYTCHCYRCLE - The 7 Gates Of Hell (Occult NWOBHM/Doom Metal)
31. CYBERKULTUR - Synthesis (Texas Techno Thrash Demo)
32. IRON BATALLION - The Holy Power Of The Dragon Sword (Symphonic Nintendo Metal)
33. THE GASMASKS - Suburban Tyrant (Alcoholic Oldschool Thrash Metal)
34. DISGOAT - Warkult Opposition (D-Beat War Black Metal)
35. GLORY NORTH - National Force (NS True Metal from Sweden)
36. EXXAMPLE - To Monolithic Forests (US Power/Progressive Metal
37. SPIEßRUTENLAUF - Klabautermänner und Tintenfisch (Mittelalter meets Rammstein Crossover)
38. PINKTHRONE - Immortality Is Gay (Real Metal)
39. CRYSTAL LOGIC - The Road To Manilla (Epic Metal)
40. ANAAL NAKTARSH - Total Fucking Gay (Black Metal)
41. SERIOUS BUSINESS - Music Is... (Post Progressive Power Rock)
42. AXECUTION - Sardonic Destruction (Rumpel-Proto-Death/Thrash, 1985)
43. KILLER AXXE - Invasion Of The Robots (Crap Metal, erschienen auf Metal Enterprises)
44. FURZUM - Las Leis Ein Farn (Black Metal)
45. ELVENFART - Stench of the Ancient ones [Melodic Dramatic & Progressive Symphonic Hollywood Metal]
46. BLASPHEMIC DESECRATION - Lords of Sadistic Exectuion (Rehearsal) [Nuclear Satanic Armageddon Metal]
47. PANTHER - Speed Limit (NWOBHM)
48. STADIUM - We go far (Melodic NWOBHM)
49. - (Ultra Nihilistic Antikosmik Elite Black Metal)
51. Future War Now! - Goat Sells... And You're Buying (Anti-Life Music not for the masses)
52. BERGBAU - Schütteln & Wälzen [NWoBHM aus der DDR]
53. WHITE SUNDAY - Sunday Sunny Sunday (Doom)
54. STORMTRĂ–PERS OF THE NATO - Cold War Rising / Battlezone Berlin (NWOBHM-EInzelstĂĽck)
55. BRAUNAU - Aryan Blood Supremacy (NSBM aus Mexiko)
56. NIGHTWOLF - Dark Of New Empire (Star War-Metal, Testpressung)
57. THE WARSAW PACT - Checkpoint Charlie / Red Army Of Immortals (Melodiya Records)
58. MOTOR ROCK (Hun) - A hétköznapokban az alkohol (Hard Rock/Heavy Metal)
59. PUSSY LOVER - Rainbow In Your Eyes (Glam Metal 7" in a 10" Cover)
60. CANDIES IN THE CRADLE - Lesbian Vampire-Goat Sodomization(Erotic Black Metal)
61. KNALLFORD - Husch, das Osterhasi (Heavy Metal Ostersongs)
62. WYLDE'N WYKKYD - Slips Sluts and Panty Storms [Glam Metal]
63. S.M.B. ALL STARS - We Ate A Clown (Now On Tour With J.B.O.)
64. CEREBRAL DIARRHEA - Occult Screams Of The Tortured Heathen (Authentic Black White Metal aus Ennepetal-SĂĽd)
65. TONY & THE TYGERZ - Bring Out The Tiger In You (Kellog's Frosted Sleaze)
66(6). MENNOWAR - Triumph Of Stuhl / The Emperor Of Death (Clear Splatter Vinyl Split Single, Epic Speed Metal)
67. DOMINATION SYNDROME - Axis of Undisputed Force (Technischer Death-Thrash Metal aus Florida)
68. MĂĽsketyyr - Raising the swords to hail the king (Ă–bscĂĽre NWOBHM Single 1981, 5 copies with P/S)
69. THE LIMITERS - Wicked Underground (Obscure Private Metal)
70. GOAT IMPALER - Horns of Blasphemy (Black Death Metal aus Singapur)
71. PRAXXIS - Integral Moon [Technical-Progressive-Thrash]
72. MAJESTIC RAINBOW - SILENT POEMS FROM A BETTER WORLD, PART 1: IN THE WOODS - THE RAINBOW AND THE UNICORN (True Symphonic Sackrasierer Power Metal aus Darmstadt-Wixhausen, latest Nuclear Blast Signing, Holzrinde Edition)
73. SPOCKS ANGEL OF DEATH - Beams Of Lava (Vulcanic Metal)
74. PAVLOS THE INJECTĂ–R - The LAtex Babes Of Estros [Epic-Metal]
75. MOTĂ–RWHORE - Fuck 'Em All (Rock'n'Roll)
76. KOHLE UN STAHL – Unsern Ruhrpott (Ruhrpöttian NWoBHM mit Texten über den alltäglichen Wahnsinn im Ruhrpott)
77. NEVER HEARD OF JUDAS PRIEST - Who The Fuck Are Black Sabbath? (Nu True Heavy Doom Metal, Rise Above Records, limitiert auf 100 Lila, 100 Rosa, 200 Orange, 300 GrĂĽn, 400 Kirschgeschmack)
Trust in fate and have no fear.
Beiträge: 1914
Registriert: 14. November 2009, 23:24

Re: Die 100 Sacred Metal-Pflicht-Alben, die es gar nicht gib

Beitragvon Goatstorm » 26. Januar 2011, 14:30

1. WITHERED - The knives of thousand suns (Funeral Doom)
2. ANIRION - Tales from Spectral Worlds (Progressive Power Metal)
3. THE DEVIL'S GHOST - Nox Saturnaliae (Occult Retro Rock)
4. SAVVAGER - Nights of Blood (Schwedischer Heavy/Speed Metal)
5. NEBELANGST - Gräulich finster Waldgetier (Pagan/Black Metal)
6. BETTEL ARM - With Sword In Ass (True Metal)
7. BOMBAY SUPER SLUTS - Spit It Out And Lick It Up (Skandinavischer Sleaze n' Punk 'n Roll)
8. HEIDENHEIM - Es saĂźen die alten Germanen... (Pagan Metal)
9. AQUILONIAN THRONE - Titans of War (Epic Metal)
10. AUSWEIDUNG - Fritz Haarmann und die Puppenjungs (Goregrind)
11. PACIFIC LAW - The Silver Log (Epic Metal)
12. HELLCAT - Dark Legions (angesleazter US Power Metal)
13. BLACK STAR - Plague in Lucifers Mind (Psychedelic Doom Metal)
14. BATTLECHRYST - God's Warriors [Teutonic White Metal]
16. SPITZER - Heavy Mörtel Rohbau (DDR Metal)
17. WARTANK - Pure Filth Of Mayhem (Punk Metal)
19. DARK PROPHETS - Metal Storm - Rainbowed Water (Private US Metal]
20. IMMĂ–RTEL - Battles In The Beton [True-Black-Metal]
21. AXE HERO - Brainstorm (Italian Epic Metal)
22. DISPERATE HOUSEWIVES - Cook Nothing Tidy Nothing Clean Nothing (Feminist D-beat Punk)
23. MEDIEVAL KNIGHT - The Witch of Methusalem (US Metal, EP, Privatpressung von 1984, limitiert auf 100 Exemplare)
24. EASTERN ORBIT - Future Force (Space Metal from Japan)
25. SS SUPER SAVAGE - We Are Strong And You Will Die (Death/Thrash)
26. HELLISH COWMASTER - Texas Terror (Progressive Sludgecore)
27. ANCIENT FOREST -The Forest Whispers My Nickname [Black-Metal]
28. ZEUS (Can) - Chariots of Steel (True Metal)
29. SCHLEYER - Autumn Awaits (Anarcho Thrash)
30. WYTCHCYRCLE - The 7 Gates Of Hell (Occult NWOBHM/Doom Metal)
31. CYBERKULTUR - Synthesis (Texas Techno Thrash Demo)
32. IRON BATALLION - The Holy Power Of The Dragon Sword (Symphonic Nintendo Metal)
33. THE GASMASKS - Suburban Tyrant (Alcoholic Oldschool Thrash Metal)
34. DISGOAT - Warkult Opposition (D-Beat War Black Metal)
35. GLORY NORTH - National Force (NS True Metal from Sweden)
36. EXXAMPLE - To Monolithic Forests (US Power/Progressive Metal
37. SPIEßRUTENLAUF - Klabautermänner und Tintenfisch (Mittelalter meets Rammstein Crossover)
38. PINKTHRONE - Immortality Is Gay (Real Metal)
39. CRYSTAL LOGIC - The Road To Manilla (Epic Metal)
40. ANAAL NAKTARSH - Total Fucking Gay (Black Metal)
41. SERIOUS BUSINESS - Music Is... (Post Progressive Power Rock)
42. AXECUTION - Sardonic Destruction (Rumpel-Proto-Death/Thrash, 1985)
43. KILLER AXXE - Invasion Of The Robots (Crap Metal, erschienen auf Metal Enterprises)
44. FURZUM - Las Leis Ein Farn (Black Metal)
45. ELVENFART - Stench of the Ancient ones [Melodic Dramatic & Progressive Symphonic Hollywood Metal]
46. BLASPHEMIC DESECRATION - Lords of Sadistic Exectuion (Rehearsal) [Nuclear Satanic Armageddon Metal]
47. PANTHER - Speed Limit (NWOBHM)
48. STADIUM - We go far (Melodic NWOBHM)
49. - (Ultra Nihilistic Antikosmik Elite Black Metal)
51. Future War Now! - Goat Sells... And You're Buying (Anti-Life Music not for the masses)
52. BERGBAU - Schütteln & Wälzen [NWoBHM aus der DDR]
53. WHITE SUNDAY - Sunday Sunny Sunday (Doom)
54. STORMTRĂ–PERS OF THE NATO - Cold War Rising / Battlezone Berlin (NWOBHM-EInzelstĂĽck)
55. BRAUNAU - Aryan Blood Supremacy (NSBM aus Mexiko)
56. NIGHTWOLF - Dark Of New Empire (Star War-Metal, Testpressung)
57. THE WARSAW PACT - Checkpoint Charlie / Red Army Of Immortals (Melodiya Records)
58. MOTOR ROCK (Hun) - A hétköznapokban az alkohol (Hard Rock/Heavy Metal)
59. PUSSY LOVER - Rainbow In Your Eyes (Glam Metal 7" in a 10" Cover)
60. CANDIES IN THE CRADLE - Lesbian Vampire-Goat Sodomization(Erotic Black Metal)
61. KNALLFORD - Husch, das Osterhasi (Heavy Metal Ostersongs)
62. WYLDE'N WYKKYD - Slips Sluts and Panty Storms [Glam Metal]
63. S.M.B. ALL STARS - We Ate A Clown (Now On Tour With J.B.O.)
65. Tony & The Tygerz - Bring Out The Tiger In You (Kellog's Frosted Sleaze)
66(6). MENNOWAR - Triumph Of Stuhl / The Emperor Of Death (Clear Splatter Vinyl Split Single, Epic Speed Metal)
67. DOMINATION SYNDROME - Axis of Undisputed Force (Technischer Death-Thrash Metal aus Florida)
68. MĂĽsketyyr - Raising the swords to hail the king (Ă–bscĂĽre NWOBHM Single 1981, 5 copies with P/S)
69. THE LIMITERS - Wicked Underground (Obscure Private Metal)
70. GOAT IMPALER - Horns of Blasphemy (Black Death Metal aus Singapur)
71. PRAXXIS - Integral Moon [Technical-Progressive-Thrash]
72. MAJESTIC RAINBOW - SILENT POEMS FROM A BETTER WORLD, PART 1: IN THE WOODS - THE RAINBOW AND THE UNICORN (True Symphonic Sackrasierer Power Metal aus Darmstadt-Wixhausen, latest Nuclear Blast Signing, Holzrinde Edition)
73. SPOCKS ANGEL OF DEATH - Beams Of Lava (Vulcanic Metal)
74. DIE ARBEITSLOSEN AKADEMIKER - Schöne Metzgerin (Anarcho-Fun-Punk aus Bottrop)
75. PAVLOS THE INJECTĂ–R - The LAtex Babes Of Estros [Epic-Metal]
76. MOTĂ–RWHORE - Fuck 'Em All (Rock'n'Roll)
77. KOHLE UN STAHL – Unsern Ruhrpott (Ruhrpöttian NWoBHM mit Texten über den alltäglichen Wahnsinn im Ruhrpott)
78. NEVER HEARD OF JUDAS PRIEST - Who The Fuck Are Black Sabbath? (Nu True Heavy Doom Metal, Rise Above Records, limitiert auf 100 Lila, 100 Rosa, 200 Orange, 300 GrĂĽn, 400 Kirschgeschmack)
79. DREAMGALLERY - Timeless Sanctity (Prog Metal mit Fotomontage von Sanduhr vor grauem Himmel auf dem Cover)
Sblood, thou stinkard, I’ll learn ye how to gust … wolde ye swynke me thilke wys?
Poster der Woche
Beiträge: 7778
Registriert: 9. November 2005, 13:24
Wohnort: An den Feuern der Leyermark

Re: Die 100 Sacred Metal-Pflicht-Alben, die es gar nicht gib

Beitragvon J.uwe » 26. Januar 2011, 14:30

The-Aftermath hat geschrieben:(limitiert auf 100 Lila, 100 Rosa, 200 Orange, 300 GrĂĽn, 400 Kirschgeschmack)

Das ist super. :lol:

Re: Die 100 Sacred Metal-Pflicht-Alben, die es gar nicht gib

Beitragvon Siebi » 26. Januar 2011, 14:31

44/79! :oh2:
Beiträge: 18470
Registriert: 22. Juli 2007, 13:08

Re: Die 100 Sacred Metal-Pflicht-Alben, die es gar nicht gib

Beitragvon holg » 26. Januar 2011, 14:32

Siebi hat geschrieben:44/79! :oh2:

Die hast du doch alle gesaugt.
Sacred Metal-Legende
Beiträge: 10994
Registriert: 4. Oktober 2005, 12:56

Re: Die 100 Sacred Metal-Pflicht-Alben, die es gar nicht gib

Beitragvon J.uwe » 26. Januar 2011, 14:34

holg hat geschrieben:
Siebi hat geschrieben:44/79! :oh2:

Die hast du doch alle gesaugt.

Schmarrn, die hat er alle als Testpressung Unikate. :yeah:

Re: Die 100 Sacred Metal-Pflicht-Alben, die es gar nicht gib

Beitragvon Fire Down Under » 26. Januar 2011, 14:41

1. WITHERED - The knives of thousand suns (Funeral Doom)
2. ANIRION - Tales from Spectral Worlds (Progressive Power Metal)
3. THE DEVIL'S GHOST - Nox Saturnaliae (Occult Retro Rock)
4. SAVVAGER - Nights of Blood (Schwedischer Heavy/Speed Metal)
5. NEBELANGST - Gräulich finster Waldgetier (Pagan/Black Metal)
6. BETTEL ARM - With Sword In Ass (True Metal)
7. BOMBAY SUPER SLUTS - Spit It Out And Lick It Up (Skandinavischer Sleaze n' Punk 'n Roll)
8. HEIDENHEIM - Es saĂźen die alten Germanen... (Pagan Metal)
9. AQUILONIAN THRONE - Titans of War (Epic Metal)
10. AUSWEIDUNG - Fritz Haarmann und die Puppenjungs (Goregrind)
11. PACIFIC LAW - The Silver Log (Epic Metal)
12. HELLCAT - Dark Legions (angesleazter US Power Metal)
13. BLACK STAR - Plague in Lucifers Mind (Psychedelic Doom Metal)
14. BATTLECHRYST - God's Warriors [Teutonic White Metal]
16. SPITZER - Heavy Mörtel Rohbau (DDR Metal)
17. WARTANK - Pure Filth Of Mayhem (Punk Metal)
19. DARK PROPHETS - Metal Storm - Rainbowed Water (Private US Metal]
20. IMMĂ–RTEL - Battles In The Beton [True-Black-Metal]
21. AXE HERO - Brainstorm (Italian Epic Metal)
22. DISPERATE HOUSEWIVES - Cook Nothing Tidy Nothing Clean Nothing (Feminist D-beat Punk)
23. MEDIEVAL KNIGHT - The Witch of Methusalem (US Metal, EP, Privatpressung von 1984, limitiert auf 100 Exemplare)
24. EASTERN ORBIT - Future Force (Space Metal from Japan)
25. SS SUPER SAVAGE - We Are Strong And You Will Die (Death/Thrash)
26. HELLISH COWMASTER - Texas Terror (Progressive Sludgecore)
27. ANCIENT FOREST -The Forest Whispers My Nickname [Black-Metal]
28. ZEUS (Can) - Chariots of Steel (True Metal)
29. SCHLEYER - Autumn Awaits (Anarcho Thrash)
30. WYTCHCYRCLE - The 7 Gates Of Hell (Occult NWOBHM/Doom Metal)
31. CYBERKULTUR - Synthesis (Texas Techno Thrash Demo)
32. IRON BATALLION - The Holy Power Of The Dragon Sword (Symphonic Nintendo Metal)
33. THE GASMASKS - Suburban Tyrant (Alcoholic Oldschool Thrash Metal)
34. DISGOAT - Warkult Opposition (D-Beat War Black Metal)
35. GLORY NORTH - National Force (NS True Metal from Sweden)
36. EXXAMPLE - To Monolithic Forests (US Power/Progressive Metal
37. SPIEßRUTENLAUF - Klabautermänner und Tintenfisch (Mittelalter meets Rammstein Crossover)
38. PINKTHRONE - Immortality Is Gay (Real Metal)
39. CRYSTAL LOGIC - The Road To Manilla (Epic Metal)
40. ANAAL NAKTARSH - Total Fucking Gay (Black Metal)
41. SERIOUS BUSINESS - Music Is... (Post Progressive Power Rock)
42. AXECUTION - Sardonic Destruction (Rumpel-Proto-Death/Thrash, 1985)
43. KILLER AXXE - Invasion Of The Robots (Crap Metal, erschienen auf Metal Enterprises)
44. FURZUM - Las Leis Ein Farn (Black Metal)
45. ELVENFART - Stench of the Ancient ones [Melodic Dramatic & Progressive Symphonic Hollywood Metal]
46. BLASPHEMIC DESECRATION - Lords of Sadistic Exectuion (Rehearsal) [Nuclear Satanic Armageddon Metal]
47. PANTHER - Speed Limit (NWOBHM)
48. STADIUM - We go far (Melodic NWOBHM)
49. - (Ultra Nihilistic Antikosmik Elite Black Metal)
51. Future War Now! - Goat Sells... And You're Buying (Anti-Life Music not for the masses)
52. BERGBAU - Schütteln & Wälzen [NWoBHM aus der DDR]
53. WHITE SUNDAY - Sunday Sunny Sunday (Doom)
54. STORMTRĂ–PERS OF THE NATO - Cold War Rising / Battlezone Berlin (NWOBHM-EInzelstĂĽck)
55. BRAUNAU - Aryan Blood Supremacy (NSBM aus Mexiko)
56. NIGHTWOLF - Dark Of New Empire (Star War-Metal, Testpressung)
57. THE WARSAW PACT - Checkpoint Charlie / Red Army Of Immortals (Melodiya Records)
58. MOTOR ROCK (Hun) - A hétköznapokban az alkohol (Hard Rock/Heavy Metal)
59. PUSSY LOVER - Rainbow In Your Eyes (Glam Metal 7" in a 10" Cover)
60. CANDIES IN THE CRADLE - Lesbian Vampire-Goat Sodomization(Erotic Black Metal)
61. KNALLFORD - Husch, das Osterhasi (Heavy Metal Ostersongs)
62. WYLDE'N WYKKYD - Slips Sluts and Panty Storms [Glam Metal]
63. S.M.B. ALL STARS - We Ate A Clown (Now On Tour With J.B.O.)
65. Tony & The Tygerz - Bring Out The Tiger In You (Kellog's Frosted Sleaze)
66(6). MENNOWAR - Triumph Of Stuhl / The Emperor Of Death (Clear Splatter Vinyl Split Single, Epic Speed Metal)
67. DOMINATION SYNDROME - Axis of Undisputed Force (Technischer Death-Thrash Metal aus Florida)
68. MĂĽsketyyr - Raising the swords to hail the king (Ă–bscĂĽre NWOBHM Single 1981, 5 copies with P/S)
69. THE LIMITERS - Wicked Underground (Obscure Private Metal)
70. GOAT IMPALER - Horns of Blasphemy (Black Death Metal aus Singapur)
71. PRAXXIS - Integral Moon [Technical-Progressive-Thrash]
72. MAJESTIC RAINBOW - SILENT POEMS FROM A BETTER WORLD, PART 1: IN THE WOODS - THE RAINBOW AND THE UNICORN (True Symphonic Sackrasierer Power Metal aus Darmstadt-Wixhausen, latest Nuclear Blast Signing, Holzrinde Edition)
73. SPOCKS ANGEL OF DEATH - Beams Of Lava (Vulcanic Metal)
74. DIE ARBEITSLOSEN AKADEMIKER - Schöne Metzgerin (Anarcho-Fun-Punk aus Bottrop)
75. PAVLOS THE INJECTĂ–R - The LAtex Babes Of Estros [Epic-Metal]
76. MOTĂ–RWHORE - Fuck 'Em All (Rock'n'Roll)
77. KOHLE UN STAHL – Unsern Ruhrpott (Ruhrpöttian NWoBHM mit Texten über den alltäglichen Wahnsinn im Ruhrpott)
78. NEVER HEARD OF JUDAS PRIEST - Who The Fuck Are Black Sabbath? (Nu True Heavy Doom Metal, Rise Above Records, limitiert auf 100 Lila, 100 Rosa, 200 Orange, 300 GrĂĽn, 400 Kirschgeschmack)
79. DREAMGALLERY - Timeless Sanctity (Prog Metal mit Fotomontage von Sanduhr vor grauem Himmel auf dem Cover)
80. FROST AND TOTAL WAR - Fuck The Open-Minded (Regressive Epic Black Metal from Norway. AAAARGHH!)


Pommes und Katzen.
Fire Down Under
Beiträge: 16719
Registriert: 20. Mai 2010, 20:42
Wohnort: MĂĽnchen

Re: Die 100 Sacred Metal-Pflicht-Alben, die es gar nicht gib

Beitragvon Pavlos » 26. Januar 2011, 15:00

1. WITHERED - The knives of thousand suns (Funeral Doom)
2. ANIRION - Tales from Spectral Worlds (Progressive Power Metal)
3. THE DEVIL'S GHOST - Nox Saturnaliae (Occult Retro Rock)
4. SAVVAGER - Nights of Blood (Schwedischer Heavy/Speed Metal)
5. NEBELANGST - Gräulich finster Waldgetier (Pagan/Black Metal)
6. BETTEL ARM - With Sword In Ass (True Metal)
7. BOMBAY SUPER SLUTS - Spit It Out And Lick It Up (Skandinavischer Sleaze n' Punk 'n Roll)
8. HEIDENHEIM - Es saĂźen die alten Germanen... (Pagan Metal)
9. AQUILONIAN THRONE - Titans of War (Epic Metal)
10. AUSWEIDUNG - Fritz Haarmann und die Puppenjungs (Goregrind)
11. PACIFIC LAW - The Silver Log (Epic Metal)
12. HELLCAT - Dark Legions (angesleazter US Power Metal)
13. BLACK STAR - Plague in Lucifers Mind (Psychedelic Doom Metal)
14. BATTLECHRYST - God's Warriors [Teutonic White Metal]
16. SPITZER - Heavy Mörtel Rohbau (DDR Metal)
17. WARTANK - Pure Filth Of Mayhem (Punk Metal)
19. DARK PROPHETS - Metal Storm - Rainbowed Water (Private US Metal]
20. IMMĂ–RTEL - Battles In The Beton [True-Black-Metal]
21. AXE HERO - Brainstorm (Italian Epic Metal)
22. DISPERATE HOUSEWIVES - Cook Nothing Tidy Nothing Clean Nothing (Feminist D-beat Punk)
23. MEDIEVAL KNIGHT - The Witch of Methusalem (US Metal, EP, Privatpressung von 1984, limitiert auf 100 Exemplare)
24. EASTERN ORBIT - Future Force (Space Metal from Japan)
25. SS SUPER SAVAGE - We Are Strong And You Will Die (Death/Thrash)
26. HELLISH COWMASTER - Texas Terror (Progressive Sludgecore)
27. ANCIENT FOREST -The Forest Whispers My Nickname [Black-Metal]
28. ZEUS (Can) - Chariots of Steel (True Metal)
29. SCHLEYER - Autumn Awaits (Anarcho Thrash)
30. WYTCHCYRCLE - The 7 Gates Of Hell (Occult NWOBHM/Doom Metal)
31. CYBERKULTUR - Synthesis (Texas Techno Thrash Demo)
32. IRON BATALLION - The Holy Power Of The Dragon Sword (Symphonic Nintendo Metal)
33. THE GASMASKS - Suburban Tyrant (Alcoholic Oldschool Thrash Metal)
34. DISGOAT - Warkult Opposition (D-Beat War Black Metal)
35. GLORY NORTH - National Force (NS True Metal from Sweden)
36. EXXAMPLE - To Monolithic Forests (US Power/Progressive Metal
37. SPIEßRUTENLAUF - Klabautermänner und Tintenfisch (Mittelalter meets Rammstein Crossover)
38. PINKTHRONE - Immortality Is Gay (Real Metal)
39. CRYSTAL LOGIC - The Road To Manilla (Epic Metal)
40. ANAAL NAKTARSH - Total Fucking Gay (Black Metal)
41. SERIOUS BUSINESS - Music Is... (Post Progressive Power Rock)
42. AXECUTION - Sardonic Destruction (Rumpel-Proto-Death/Thrash, 1985)
43. KILLER AXXE - Invasion Of The Robots (Crap Metal, erschienen auf Metal Enterprises)
44. FURZUM - Las Leis Ein Farn (Black Metal)
45. ELVENFART - Stench of the Ancient ones [Melodic Dramatic & Progressive Symphonic Hollywood Metal]
46. BLASPHEMIC DESECRATION - Lords of Sadistic Exectuion (Rehearsal) [Nuclear Satanic Armageddon Metal]
47. PANTHER - Speed Limit (NWOBHM)
48. STADIUM - We go far (Melodic NWOBHM)
49. - (Ultra Nihilistic Antikosmik Elite Black Metal)
51. Future War Now! - Goat Sells... And You're Buying (Anti-Life Music not for the masses)
52. BERGBAU - Schütteln & Wälzen [NWoBHM aus der DDR]
53. WHITE SUNDAY - Sunday Sunny Sunday (Doom)
54. STORMTRĂ–PERS OF THE NATO - Cold War Rising / Battlezone Berlin (NWOBHM-EInzelstĂĽck)
55. BRAUNAU - Aryan Blood Supremacy (NSBM aus Mexiko)
56. NIGHTWOLF - Dark Of New Empire (Star War-Metal, Testpressung)
57. THE WARSAW PACT - Checkpoint Charlie / Red Army Of Immortals (Melodiya Records)
58. MOTOR ROCK (Hun) - A hétköznapokban az alkohol (Hard Rock/Heavy Metal)
59. PUSSY LOVER - Rainbow In Your Eyes (Glam Metal 7" in a 10" Cover)
60. CANDIES IN THE CRADLE - Lesbian Vampire-Goat Sodomization(Erotic Black Metal)
61. KNALLFORD - Husch, das Osterhasi (Heavy Metal Ostersongs)
62. WYLDE'N WYKKYD - Slips Sluts and Panty Storms [Glam Metal]
63. S.M.B. ALL STARS - We Ate A Clown (Now On Tour With J.B.O.)
65. Tony & The Tygerz - Bring Out The Tiger In You (Kellog's Frosted Sleaze)
66(6). MENNOWAR - Triumph Of Stuhl / The Emperor Of Death (Clear Splatter Vinyl Split Single, Epic Speed Metal)
67. DOMINATION SYNDROME - Axis of Undisputed Force (Technischer Death-Thrash Metal aus Florida)
68. MĂĽsketyyr - Raising the swords to hail the king (Ă–bscĂĽre NWOBHM Single 1981, 5 copies with P/S)
69. THE LIMITERS - Wicked Underground (Obscure Private Metal)
70. GOAT IMPALER - Horns of Blasphemy (Black Death Metal aus Singapur)
71. PRAXXIS - Integral Moon [Technical-Progressive-Thrash]
72. MAJESTIC RAINBOW - SILENT POEMS FROM A BETTER WORLD, PART 1: IN THE WOODS - THE RAINBOW AND THE UNICORN (True Symphonic Sackrasierer Power Metal aus Darmstadt-Wixhausen, latest Nuclear Blast Signing, Holzrinde Edition)
73. SPOCKS ANGEL OF DEATH - Beams Of Lava (Vulcanic Metal)
74. DIE ARBEITSLOSEN AKADEMIKER - Schöne Metzgerin (Anarcho-Fun-Punk aus Bottrop)
75. PAVLOS THE INJECTĂ–R - The LAtex Babes Of Estros [Epic-Metal]
76. MOTĂ–RWHORE - Fuck 'Em All (Rock'n'Roll)
77. KOHLE UN STAHL – Unsern Ruhrpott (Ruhrpöttian NWoBHM mit Texten über den alltäglichen Wahnsinn im Ruhrpott)
78. NEVER HEARD OF JUDAS PRIEST - Who The Fuck Are Black Sabbath? (Nu True Heavy Doom Metal, Rise Above Records, limitiert auf 100 Lila, 100 Rosa, 200 Orange, 300 GrĂĽn, 400 Kirschgeschmack)
79. DREAMGALLERY - Timeless Sanctity (Prog Metal mit Fotomontage von Sanduhr vor grauem Himmel auf dem Cover)
80. FROST AND TOTAL WAR - Fuck The Open-Minded (Regressive Epic Black Metal from Norway. AAAARGHH!)
81. ERDAL "ANATOLIAN STALLION" KASHMIRÖGLU - BISCHE SCHARF UN´SUM MITNEHME? (ca. 1964/65, türkischer Protometal und erster Künstler mit Rock Döts im Namen - wenn auch ungewollt)
Ambassador Of Love
Beiträge: 24829
Registriert: 20. März 2008, 01:17
Wohnort: 22, Acacia Avenue

Re: Die 100 Sacred Metal-Pflicht-Alben, die es gar nicht gib

Beitragvon Fire Down Under » 26. Januar 2011, 15:02

Bester Thread aller Zeiten.


Pommes und Katzen.
Fire Down Under
Beiträge: 16719
Registriert: 20. Mai 2010, 20:42
Wohnort: MĂĽnchen

Re: Die 100 Sacred Metal-Pflicht-Alben, die es gar nicht gib

Beitragvon tobi flintstone » 26. Januar 2011, 15:10

1. WITHERED - The knives of thousand suns (Funeral Doom)
2. ANIRION - Tales from Spectral Worlds (Progressive Power Metal)
3. THE DEVIL'S GHOST - Nox Saturnaliae (Occult Retro Rock)
4. SAVVAGER - Nights of Blood (Schwedischer Heavy/Speed Metal)
5. NEBELANGST - Gräulich finster Waldgetier (Pagan/Black Metal)
6. BETTEL ARM - With Sword In Ass (True Metal)
7. BOMBAY SUPER SLUTS - Spit It Out And Lick It Up (Skandinavischer Sleaze n' Punk 'n Roll)
8. HEIDENHEIM - Es saĂźen die alten Germanen... (Pagan Metal)
9. AQUILONIAN THRONE - Titans of War (Epic Metal)
10. AUSWEIDUNG - Fritz Haarmann und die Puppenjungs (Goregrind)
11. PACIFIC LAW - The Silver Log (Epic Metal)
12. HELLCAT - Dark Legions (angesleazter US Power Metal)
13. BLACK STAR - Plague in Lucifers Mind (Psychedelic Doom Metal)
14. BATTLECHRYST - God's Warriors [Teutonic White Metal]
16. SPITZER - Heavy Mörtel Rohbau (DDR Metal)
17. WARTANK - Pure Filth Of Mayhem (Punk Metal)
19. DARK PROPHETS - Metal Storm - Rainbowed Water (Private US Metal]
20. IMMĂ–RTEL - Battles In The Beton [True-Black-Metal]
21. AXE HERO - Brainstorm (Italian Epic Metal)
22. DISPERATE HOUSEWIVES - Cook Nothing Tidy Nothing Clean Nothing (Feminist D-beat Punk)
23. MEDIEVAL KNIGHT - The Witch of Methusalem (US Metal, EP, Privatpressung von 1984, limitiert auf 100 Exemplare)
24. EASTERN ORBIT - Future Force (Space Metal from Japan)
25. SS SUPER SAVAGE - We Are Strong And You Will Die (Death/Thrash)
26. HELLISH COWMASTER - Texas Terror (Progressive Sludgecore)
27. ANCIENT FOREST -The Forest Whispers My Nickname [Black-Metal]
28. ZEUS (Can) - Chariots of Steel (True Metal)
29. SCHLEYER - Autumn Awaits (Anarcho Thrash)
30. WYTCHCYRCLE - The 7 Gates Of Hell (Occult NWOBHM/Doom Metal)
31. CYBERKULTUR - Synthesis (Texas Techno Thrash Demo)
32. IRON BATALLION - The Holy Power Of The Dragon Sword (Symphonic Nintendo Metal)
33. THE GASMASKS - Suburban Tyrant (Alcoholic Oldschool Thrash Metal)
34. DISGOAT - Warkult Opposition (D-Beat War Black Metal)
35. GLORY NORTH - National Force (NS True Metal from Sweden)
36. EXXAMPLE - To Monolithic Forests (US Power/Progressive Metal
37. SPIEßRUTENLAUF - Klabautermänner und Tintenfisch (Mittelalter meets Rammstein Crossover)
38. PINKTHRONE - Immortality Is Gay (Real Metal)
39. CRYSTAL LOGIC - The Road To Manilla (Epic Metal)
40. ANAAL NAKTARSH - Total Fucking Gay (Black Metal)
41. SERIOUS BUSINESS - Music Is... (Post Progressive Power Rock)
42. AXECUTION - Sardonic Destruction (Rumpel-Proto-Death/Thrash, 1985)
43. KILLER AXXE - Invasion Of The Robots (Crap Metal, erschienen auf Metal Enterprises)
44. FURZUM - Las Leis Ein Farn (Black Metal)
45. ELVENFART - Stench of the Ancient ones [Melodic Dramatic & Progressive Symphonic Hollywood Metal]
46. BLASPHEMIC DESECRATION - Lords of Sadistic Exectuion (Rehearsal) [Nuclear Satanic Armageddon Metal]
47. PANTHER - Speed Limit (NWOBHM)
48. STADIUM - We go far (Melodic NWOBHM)
49. - (Ultra Nihilistic Antikosmik Elite Black Metal)
51. Future War Now! - Goat Sells... And You're Buying (Anti-Life Music not for the masses)
52. BERGBAU - Schütteln & Wälzen [NWoBHM aus der DDR]
53. WHITE SUNDAY - Sunday Sunny Sunday (Doom)
54. STORMTRĂ–PERS OF THE NATO - Cold War Rising / Battlezone Berlin (NWOBHM-EInzelstĂĽck)
55. BRAUNAU - Aryan Blood Supremacy (NSBM aus Mexiko)
56. NIGHTWOLF - Dark Of New Empire (Star War-Metal, Testpressung)
57. THE WARSAW PACT - Checkpoint Charlie / Red Army Of Immortals (Melodiya Records)
58. MOTOR ROCK (Hun) - A hétköznapokban az alkohol (Hard Rock/Heavy Metal)
59. PUSSY LOVER - Rainbow In Your Eyes (Glam Metal 7" in a 10" Cover)
60. CANDIES IN THE CRADLE - Lesbian Vampire-Goat Sodomization(Erotic Black Metal)
61. KNALLFORD - Husch, das Osterhasi (Heavy Metal Ostersongs)
62. WYLDE'N WYKKYD - Slips Sluts and Panty Storms [Glam Metal]
63. S.M.B. ALL STARS - We Ate A Clown (Now On Tour With J.B.O.)
65. Tony & The Tygerz - Bring Out The Tiger In You (Kellog's Frosted Sleaze)
66(6). MENNOWAR - Triumph Of Stuhl / The Emperor Of Death (Clear Splatter Vinyl Split Single, Epic Speed Metal)
67. DOMINATION SYNDROME - Axis of Undisputed Force (Technischer Death-Thrash Metal aus Florida)
68. MĂĽsketyyr - Raising the swords to hail the king (Ă–bscĂĽre NWOBHM Single 1981, 5 copies with P/S)
69. THE LIMITERS - Wicked Underground (Obscure Private Metal)
70. GOAT IMPALER - Horns of Blasphemy (Black Death Metal aus Singapur)
71. PRAXXIS - Integral Moon [Technical-Progressive-Thrash]
72. MAJESTIC RAINBOW - SILENT POEMS FROM A BETTER WORLD, PART 1: IN THE WOODS - THE RAINBOW AND THE UNICORN (True Symphonic Sackrasierer Power Metal aus Darmstadt-Wixhausen, latest Nuclear Blast Signing, Holzrinde Edition)
73. SPOCKS ANGEL OF DEATH - Beams Of Lava (Vulcanic Metal)
74. DIE ARBEITSLOSEN AKADEMIKER - Schöne Metzgerin (Anarcho-Fun-Punk aus Bottrop)
75. PAVLOS THE INJECTĂ–R - The LAtex Babes Of Estros [Epic-Metal]
76. MOTĂ–RWHORE - Fuck 'Em All (Rock'n'Roll)
77. KOHLE UN STAHL – Unsern Ruhrpott (Ruhrpöttian NWoBHM mit Texten über den alltäglichen Wahnsinn im Ruhrpott)
78. NEVER HEARD OF JUDAS PRIEST - Who The Fuck Are Black Sabbath? (Nu True Heavy Doom Metal, Rise Above Records, limitiert auf 100 Lila, 100 Rosa, 200 Orange, 300 GrĂĽn, 400 Kirschgeschmack)
79. DREAMGALLERY - Timeless Sanctity (Prog Metal mit Fotomontage von Sanduhr vor grauem Himmel auf dem Cover)
80. FROST AND TOTAL WAR - Fuck The Open-Minded (Regressive Epic Black Metal from Norway. AAAARGHH!)
81. ERDAL "ANATOLIAN STALLION" KASHMIRÖGLU - BISCHE SCHARF UN´SUM MITNEHME? (ca. 1964/65, türkischer Protometal und erster Künstler mit Rock Döts im Namen - wenn auch ungewollt)
82. BIBLE THROWER - Honour, Valour, God (White-Kreuzzugs-Metal)
 "Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man."
tobi flintstone
Beiträge: 1836
Registriert: 28. Januar 2008, 07:15
Wohnort: Bielefeld Rock City

Re: Die 100 Sacred Metal-Pflicht-Alben, die es gar nicht gib

Beitragvon rapanzel » 26. Januar 2011, 15:11

Pavlos hat geschrieben: ERDAL "ANATOLIAN STALLION" KASHMIRÖGLU - BISCHE SCHARF UN´SUM MITNEHME? (ca. 1964/65, türkischer Protometal und erster Künstler mit Rock Döts im Namen - wenn auch ungewollt)

:lol: :lol: :yeah:
An obscene invention of twisted minds:

Full Moon Fistbanger
Beiträge: 20907
Registriert: 9. April 2008, 11:07
Wohnort: Herborn

Re: Die 100 Sacred Metal-Pflicht-Alben, die es gar nicht gib

Beitragvon Sgt. Kuntz » 26. Januar 2011, 15:18

1. WITHERED - The knives of thousand suns (Funeral Doom)
2. ANIRION - Tales from Spectral Worlds (Progressive Power Metal)
3. THE DEVIL'S GHOST - Nox Saturnaliae (Occult Retro Rock)
4. SAVVAGER - Nights of Blood (Schwedischer Heavy/Speed Metal)
5. NEBELANGST - Gräulich finster Waldgetier (Pagan/Black Metal)
6. BETTEL ARM - With Sword In Ass (True Metal)
7. BOMBAY SUPER SLUTS - Spit It Out And Lick It Up (Skandinavischer Sleaze n' Punk 'n Roll)
8. HEIDENHEIM - Es saĂźen die alten Germanen... (Pagan Metal)
9. AQUILONIAN THRONE - Titans of War (Epic Metal)
10. AUSWEIDUNG - Fritz Haarmann und die Puppenjungs (Goregrind)
11. PACIFIC LAW - The Silver Log (Epic Metal)
12. HELLCAT - Dark Legions (angesleazter US Power Metal)
13. BLACK STAR - Plague in Lucifers Mind (Psychedelic Doom Metal)
14. BATTLECHRYST - God's Warriors [Teutonic White Metal]
16. SPITZER - Heavy Mörtel Rohbau (DDR Metal)
17. WARTANK - Pure Filth Of Mayhem (Punk Metal)
19. DARK PROPHETS - Metal Storm - Rainbowed Water (Private US Metal]
20. IMMĂ–RTEL - Battles In The Beton [True-Black-Metal]
21. AXE HERO - Brainstorm (Italian Epic Metal)
22. DISPERATE HOUSEWIVES - Cook Nothing Tidy Nothing Clean Nothing (Feminist D-beat Punk)
23. MEDIEVAL KNIGHT - The Witch of Methusalem (US Metal, EP, Privatpressung von 1984, limitiert auf 100 Exemplare)
24. EASTERN ORBIT - Future Force (Space Metal from Japan)
25. SS SUPER SAVAGE - We Are Strong And You Will Die (Death/Thrash)
26. HELLISH COWMASTER - Texas Terror (Progressive Sludgecore)
27. ANCIENT FOREST -The Forest Whispers My Nickname [Black-Metal]
28. ZEUS (Can) - Chariots of Steel (True Metal)
29. SCHLEYER - Autumn Awaits (Anarcho Thrash)
30. WYTCHCYRCLE - The 7 Gates Of Hell (Occult NWOBHM/Doom Metal)
31. CYBERKULTUR - Synthesis (Texas Techno Thrash Demo)
32. IRON BATALLION - The Holy Power Of The Dragon Sword (Symphonic Nintendo Metal)
33. THE GASMASKS - Suburban Tyrant (Alcoholic Oldschool Thrash Metal)
34. DISGOAT - Warkult Opposition (D-Beat War Black Metal)
35. GLORY NORTH - National Force (NS True Metal from Sweden)
36. EXXAMPLE - To Monolithic Forests (US Power/Progressive Metal
37. SPIEßRUTENLAUF - Klabautermänner und Tintenfisch (Mittelalter meets Rammstein Crossover)
38. PINKTHRONE - Immortality Is Gay (Real Metal)
39. CRYSTAL LOGIC - The Road To Manilla (Epic Metal)
40. ANAAL NAKTARSH - Total Fucking Gay (Black Metal)
41. SERIOUS BUSINESS - Music Is... (Post Progressive Power Rock)
42. AXECUTION - Sardonic Destruction (Rumpel-Proto-Death/Thrash, 1985)
43. KILLER AXXE - Invasion Of The Robots (Crap Metal, erschienen auf Metal Enterprises)
44. FURZUM - Las Leis Ein Farn (Black Metal)
45. ELVENFART - Stench of the Ancient ones [Melodic Dramatic & Progressive Symphonic Hollywood Metal]
46. BLASPHEMIC DESECRATION - Lords of Sadistic Exectuion (Rehearsal) [Nuclear Satanic Armageddon Metal]
47. PANTHER - Speed Limit (NWOBHM)
48. STADIUM - We go far (Melodic NWOBHM)
49. - (Ultra Nihilistic Antikosmik Elite Black Metal)
51. Future War Now! - Goat Sells... And You're Buying (Anti-Life Music not for the masses)
52. BERGBAU - Schütteln & Wälzen [NWoBHM aus der DDR]
53. WHITE SUNDAY - Sunday Sunny Sunday (Doom)
54. STORMTRĂ–PERS OF THE NATO - Cold War Rising / Battlezone Berlin (NWOBHM-EInzelstĂĽck)
55. BRAUNAU - Aryan Blood Supremacy (NSBM aus Mexiko)
56. NIGHTWOLF - Dark Of New Empire (Star War-Metal, Testpressung)
57. THE WARSAW PACT - Checkpoint Charlie / Red Army Of Immortals (Melodiya Records)
58. MOTOR ROCK (Hun) - A hétköznapokban az alkohol (Hard Rock/Heavy Metal)
59. PUSSY LOVER - Rainbow In Your Eyes (Glam Metal 7" in a 10" Cover)
60. CANDIES IN THE CRADLE - Lesbian Vampire-Goat Sodomization(Erotic Black Metal)
61. KNALLFORD - Husch, das Osterhasi (Heavy Metal Ostersongs)
62. WYLDE'N WYKKYD - Slips Sluts and Panty Storms [Glam Metal]
63. S.M.B. ALL STARS - We Ate A Clown (Now On Tour With J.B.O.)
65. Tony & The Tygerz - Bring Out The Tiger In You (Kellog's Frosted Sleaze)
66(6). MENNOWAR - Triumph Of Stuhl / The Emperor Of Death (Clear Splatter Vinyl Split Single, Epic Speed Metal)
67. DOMINATION SYNDROME - Axis of Undisputed Force (Technischer Death-Thrash Metal aus Florida)
68. MĂĽsketyyr - Raising the swords to hail the king (Ă–bscĂĽre NWOBHM Single 1981, 5 copies with P/S)
69. THE LIMITERS - Wicked Underground (Obscure Private Metal)
70. GOAT IMPALER - Horns of Blasphemy (Black Death Metal aus Singapur)
71. PRAXXIS - Integral Moon [Technical-Progressive-Thrash]
72. MAJESTIC RAINBOW - SILENT POEMS FROM A BETTER WORLD, PART 1: IN THE WOODS - THE RAINBOW AND THE UNICORN (True Symphonic Sackrasierer Power Metal aus Darmstadt-Wixhausen, latest Nuclear Blast Signing, Holzrinde Edition)
73. SPOCKS ANGEL OF DEATH - Beams Of Lava (Vulcanic Metal)
74. DIE ARBEITSLOSEN AKADEMIKER - Schöne Metzgerin (Anarcho-Fun-Punk aus Bottrop)
75. PAVLOS THE INJECTĂ–R - The LAtex Babes Of Estros [Epic-Metal]
76. MOTĂ–RWHORE - Fuck 'Em All (Rock'n'Roll)
77. KOHLE UN STAHL – Unsern Ruhrpott (Ruhrpöttian NWoBHM mit Texten über den alltäglichen Wahnsinn im Ruhrpott)
78. NEVER HEARD OF JUDAS PRIEST - Who The Fuck Are Black Sabbath? (Nu True Heavy Doom Metal, Rise Above Records, limitiert auf 100 Lila, 100 Rosa, 200 Orange, 300 GrĂĽn, 400 Kirschgeschmack)
79. DREAMGALLERY - Timeless Sanctity (Prog Metal mit Fotomontage von Sanduhr vor grauem Himmel auf dem Cover)
80. FROST AND TOTAL WAR - Fuck The Open-Minded (Regressive Epic Black Metal from Norway. AAAARGHH!)
81. ERDAL "ANATOLIAN STALLION" KASHMIRÖGLU - BISCHE SCHARF UN´SUM MITNEHME? (ca. 1964/65, türkischer Protometal und erster Künstler mit Rock Döts im Namen - wenn auch ungewollt)
82. BIBLE THROWER - Honour, Valour, God (White-Kreuzzugs-Metal)
83. ACRYLATOR THE ENFORCER / LUNATIC LOOMIS - Seek And Destroy All Errors (Split-LP, Make No Mistake Records)
84. TRUE METAL WARRIOR - Joking To Megadeath (Hörspiel, 6-LP-Boxset, Brüll Productions)
Muss rispettieren die andere Kollega!
Sgt. Kuntz
Leather Lucifer
Beiträge: 8386
Registriert: 7. Dezember 2008, 12:46
Wohnort: Bayern

Re: Die 100 Sacred Metal-Pflicht-Alben, die es gar nicht gib

Beitragvon Pavlos » 26. Januar 2011, 15:26

1. WITHERED - The knives of thousand suns (Funeral Doom)
2. ANIRION - Tales from Spectral Worlds (Progressive Power Metal)
3. THE DEVIL'S GHOST - Nox Saturnaliae (Occult Retro Rock)
4. SAVVAGER - Nights of Blood (Schwedischer Heavy/Speed Metal)
5. NEBELANGST - Gräulich finster Waldgetier (Pagan/Black Metal)
6. BETTEL ARM - With Sword In Ass (True Metal)
7. BOMBAY SUPER SLUTS - Spit It Out And Lick It Up (Skandinavischer Sleaze n' Punk 'n Roll)
8. HEIDENHEIM - Es saĂźen die alten Germanen... (Pagan Metal)
9. AQUILONIAN THRONE - Titans of War (Epic Metal)
10. AUSWEIDUNG - Fritz Haarmann und die Puppenjungs (Goregrind)
11. PACIFIC LAW - The Silver Log (Epic Metal)
12. HELLCAT - Dark Legions (angesleazter US Power Metal)
13. BLACK STAR - Plague in Lucifers Mind (Psychedelic Doom Metal)
14. BATTLECHRYST - God's Warriors [Teutonic White Metal]
16. SPITZER - Heavy Mörtel Rohbau (DDR Metal)
17. WARTANK - Pure Filth Of Mayhem (Punk Metal)
19. DARK PROPHETS - Metal Storm - Rainbowed Water (Private US Metal]
20. IMMĂ–RTEL - Battles In The Beton [True-Black-Metal]
21. AXE HERO - Brainstorm (Italian Epic Metal)
22. DISPERATE HOUSEWIVES - Cook Nothing Tidy Nothing Clean Nothing (Feminist D-beat Punk)
23. MEDIEVAL KNIGHT - The Witch of Methusalem (US Metal, EP, Privatpressung von 1984, limitiert auf 100 Exemplare)
24. EASTERN ORBIT - Future Force (Space Metal from Japan)
25. SS SUPER SAVAGE - We Are Strong And You Will Die (Death/Thrash)
26. HELLISH COWMASTER - Texas Terror (Progressive Sludgecore)
27. ANCIENT FOREST -The Forest Whispers My Nickname [Black-Metal]
28. ZEUS (Can) - Chariots of Steel (True Metal)
29. SCHLEYER - Autumn Awaits (Anarcho Thrash)
30. WYTCHCYRCLE - The 7 Gates Of Hell (Occult NWOBHM/Doom Metal)
31. CYBERKULTUR - Synthesis (Texas Techno Thrash Demo)
32. IRON BATALLION - The Holy Power Of The Dragon Sword (Symphonic Nintendo Metal)
33. THE GASMASKS - Suburban Tyrant (Alcoholic Oldschool Thrash Metal)
34. DISGOAT - Warkult Opposition (D-Beat War Black Metal)
35. GLORY NORTH - National Force (NS True Metal from Sweden)
36. EXXAMPLE - To Monolithic Forests (US Power/Progressive Metal
37. SPIEßRUTENLAUF - Klabautermänner und Tintenfisch (Mittelalter meets Rammstein Crossover)
38. PINKTHRONE - Immortality Is Gay (Real Metal)
39. CRYSTAL LOGIC - The Road To Manilla (Epic Metal)
40. ANAAL NAKTARSH - Total Fucking Gay (Black Metal)
41. SERIOUS BUSINESS - Music Is... (Post Progressive Power Rock)
42. AXECUTION - Sardonic Destruction (Rumpel-Proto-Death/Thrash, 1985)
43. KILLER AXXE - Invasion Of The Robots (Crap Metal, erschienen auf Metal Enterprises)
44. FURZUM - Las Leis Ein Farn (Black Metal)
45. ELVENFART - Stench of the Ancient ones [Melodic Dramatic & Progressive Symphonic Hollywood Metal]
46. BLASPHEMIC DESECRATION - Lords of Sadistic Exectuion (Rehearsal) [Nuclear Satanic Armageddon Metal]
47. PANTHER - Speed Limit (NWOBHM)
48. STADIUM - We go far (Melodic NWOBHM)
49. - (Ultra Nihilistic Antikosmik Elite Black Metal)
51. Future War Now! - Goat Sells... And You're Buying (Anti-Life Music not for the masses)
52. BERGBAU - Schütteln & Wälzen [NWoBHM aus der DDR]
53. WHITE SUNDAY - Sunday Sunny Sunday (Doom)
54. STORMTRĂ–PERS OF THE NATO - Cold War Rising / Battlezone Berlin (NWOBHM-EInzelstĂĽck)
55. BRAUNAU - Aryan Blood Supremacy (NSBM aus Mexiko)
56. NIGHTWOLF - Dark Of New Empire (Star War-Metal, Testpressung)
57. THE WARSAW PACT - Checkpoint Charlie / Red Army Of Immortals (Melodiya Records)
58. MOTOR ROCK (Hun) - A hétköznapokban az alkohol (Hard Rock/Heavy Metal)
59. PUSSY LOVER - Rainbow In Your Eyes (Glam Metal 7" in a 10" Cover)
60. CANDIES IN THE CRADLE - Lesbian Vampire-Goat Sodomization(Erotic Black Metal)
61. KNALLFORD - Husch, das Osterhasi (Heavy Metal Ostersongs)
62. WYLDE'N WYKKYD - Slips Sluts and Panty Storms [Glam Metal]
63. S.M.B. ALL STARS - We Ate A Clown (Now On Tour With J.B.O.)
65. Tony & The Tygerz - Bring Out The Tiger In You (Kellog's Frosted Sleaze)
66(6). MENNOWAR - Triumph Of Stuhl / The Emperor Of Death (Clear Splatter Vinyl Split Single, Epic Speed Metal)
67. DOMINATION SYNDROME - Axis of Undisputed Force (Technischer Death-Thrash Metal aus Florida)
68. MĂĽsketyyr - Raising the swords to hail the king (Ă–bscĂĽre NWOBHM Single 1981, 5 copies with P/S)
69. THE LIMITERS - Wicked Underground (Obscure Private Metal)
70. GOAT IMPALER - Horns of Blasphemy (Black Death Metal aus Singapur)
71. PRAXXIS - Integral Moon [Technical-Progressive-Thrash]
72. MAJESTIC RAINBOW - SILENT POEMS FROM A BETTER WORLD, PART 1: IN THE WOODS - THE RAINBOW AND THE UNICORN (True Symphonic Sackrasierer Power Metal aus Darmstadt-Wixhausen, latest Nuclear Blast Signing, Holzrinde Edition)
73. SPOCKS ANGEL OF DEATH - Beams Of Lava (Vulcanic Metal)
74. DIE ARBEITSLOSEN AKADEMIKER - Schöne Metzgerin (Anarcho-Fun-Punk aus Bottrop)
75. PAVLOS THE INJECTĂ–R - The LAtex Babes Of Estros [Epic-Metal]
76. MOTĂ–RWHORE - Fuck 'Em All (Rock'n'Roll)
77. KOHLE UN STAHL – Unsern Ruhrpott (Ruhrpöttian NWoBHM mit Texten über den alltäglichen Wahnsinn im Ruhrpott)
78. NEVER HEARD OF JUDAS PRIEST - Who The Fuck Are Black Sabbath? (Nu True Heavy Doom Metal, Rise Above Records, limitiert auf 100 Lila, 100 Rosa, 200 Orange, 300 GrĂĽn, 400 Kirschgeschmack)
79. DREAMGALLERY - Timeless Sanctity (Prog Metal mit Fotomontage von Sanduhr vor grauem Himmel auf dem Cover)
80. FROST AND TOTAL WAR - Fuck The Open-Minded (Regressive Epic Black Metal from Norway. AAAARGHH!)
81. ERDAL "ANATOLIAN STALLION" KASHMIRÖGLU - BISCHE SCHARF UN´SUM MITNEHME? (ca. 1964/65, türkischer Protometal und erster Künstler mit Rock Döts im Namen - wenn auch ungewollt)
82. BIBLE THROWER - Honour, Valour, God (White-Kreuzzugs-Metal)
83. ACRYLATOR THE ENFORCER / LUNATIC LOOMIS - Seek And Destroy All Errors (Split-LP, Make No Mistake Records)
84. TRUE METAL WARRIOR - Joking To Megadeath (6-LP-Boxset, BrĂĽll Productions)
85. VORHAUTTALG - (L)AUTONOMES SMEGMA (Demotape, Straight Edge Crust Metalpunk aus Bottrum)
Ambassador Of Love
Beiträge: 24829
Registriert: 20. März 2008, 01:17
Wohnort: 22, Acacia Avenue

Re: Die 100 Sacred Metal-Pflicht-Alben, die es gar nicht gib

Beitragvon holg » 26. Januar 2011, 15:32

1. WITHERED - The knives of thousand suns (Funeral Doom)
2. ANIRION - Tales from Spectral Worlds (Progressive Power Metal)
3. THE DEVIL'S GHOST - Nox Saturnaliae (Occult Retro Rock)
4. SAVVAGER - Nights of Blood (Schwedischer Heavy/Speed Metal)
5. NEBELANGST - Gräulich finster Waldgetier (Pagan/Black Metal)
6. BETTEL ARM - With Sword In Ass (True Metal)
7. BOMBAY SUPER SLUTS - Spit It Out And Lick It Up (Skandinavischer Sleaze n' Punk 'n Roll)
8. HEIDENHEIM - Es saĂźen die alten Germanen... (Pagan Metal)
9. AQUILONIAN THRONE - Titans of War (Epic Metal)
10. AUSWEIDUNG - Fritz Haarmann und die Puppenjungs (Goregrind)
11. PACIFIC LAW - The Silver Log (Epic Metal)
12. HELLCAT - Dark Legions (angesleazter US Power Metal)
13. BLACK STAR - Plague in Lucifers Mind (Psychedelic Doom Metal)
14. BATTLECHRYST - God's Warriors [Teutonic White Metal]
16. SPITZER - Heavy Mörtel Rohbau (DDR Metal)
17. WARTANK - Pure Filth Of Mayhem (Punk Metal)
19. DARK PROPHETS - Metal Storm - Rainbowed Water (Private US Metal]
20. IMMĂ–RTEL - Battles In The Beton [True-Black-Metal]
21. AXE HERO - Brainstorm (Italian Epic Metal)
22. DISPERATE HOUSEWIVES - Cook Nothing Tidy Nothing Clean Nothing (Feminist D-beat Punk)
23. MEDIEVAL KNIGHT - The Witch of Methusalem (US Metal, EP, Privatpressung von 1984, limitiert auf 100 Exemplare)
24. EASTERN ORBIT - Future Force (Space Metal from Japan)
25. SS SUPER SAVAGE - We Are Strong And You Will Die (Death/Thrash)
26. HELLISH COWMASTER - Texas Terror (Progressive Sludgecore)
27. ANCIENT FOREST -The Forest Whispers My Nickname [Black-Metal]
28. ZEUS (Can) - Chariots of Steel (True Metal)
29. SCHLEYER - Autumn Awaits (Anarcho Thrash)
30. WYTCHCYRCLE - The 7 Gates Of Hell (Occult NWOBHM/Doom Metal)
31. CYBERKULTUR - Synthesis (Texas Techno Thrash Demo)
32. IRON BATALLION - The Holy Power Of The Dragon Sword (Symphonic Nintendo Metal)
33. THE GASMASKS - Suburban Tyrant (Alcoholic Oldschool Thrash Metal)
34. DISGOAT - Warkult Opposition (D-Beat War Black Metal)
35. GLORY NORTH - National Force (NS True Metal from Sweden)
36. EXXAMPLE - To Monolithic Forests (US Power/Progressive Metal
37. SPIEßRUTENLAUF - Klabautermänner und Tintenfisch (Mittelalter meets Rammstein Crossover)
38. PINKTHRONE - Immortality Is Gay (Real Metal)
39. CRYSTAL LOGIC - The Road To Manilla (Epic Metal)
40. ANAAL NAKTARSH - Total Fucking Gay (Black Metal)
41. SERIOUS BUSINESS - Music Is... (Post Progressive Power Rock)
42. AXECUTION - Sardonic Destruction (Rumpel-Proto-Death/Thrash, 1985)
43. KILLER AXXE - Invasion Of The Robots (Crap Metal, erschienen auf Metal Enterprises)
44. FURZUM - Las Leis Ein Farn (Black Metal)
45. ELVENFART - Stench of the Ancient ones [Melodic Dramatic & Progressive Symphonic Hollywood Metal]
46. BLASPHEMIC DESECRATION - Lords of Sadistic Exectuion (Rehearsal) [Nuclear Satanic Armageddon Metal]
47. PANTHER - Speed Limit (NWOBHM)
48. STADIUM - We go far (Melodic NWOBHM)
49. - (Ultra Nihilistic Antikosmik Elite Black Metal)
51. Future War Now! - Goat Sells... And You're Buying (Anti-Life Music not for the masses)
52. BERGBAU - Schütteln & Wälzen [NWoBHM aus der DDR]
53. WHITE SUNDAY - Sunday Sunny Sunday (Doom)
54. STORMTRĂ–PERS OF THE NATO - Cold War Rising / Battlezone Berlin (NWOBHM-EInzelstĂĽck)
55. BRAUNAU - Aryan Blood Supremacy (NSBM aus Mexiko)
56. NIGHTWOLF - Dark Of New Empire (Star War-Metal, Testpressung)
57. THE WARSAW PACT - Checkpoint Charlie / Red Army Of Immortals (Melodiya Records)
58. MOTOR ROCK (Hun) - A hétköznapokban az alkohol (Hard Rock/Heavy Metal)
59. PUSSY LOVER - Rainbow In Your Eyes (Glam Metal 7" in a 10" Cover)
60. CANDIES IN THE CRADLE - Lesbian Vampire-Goat Sodomization(Erotic Black Metal)
61. KNALLFORD - Husch, das Osterhasi (Heavy Metal Ostersongs)
62. WYLDE'N WYKKYD - Slips Sluts and Panty Storms [Glam Metal]
63. S.M.B. ALL STARS - We Ate A Clown (Now On Tour With J.B.O.)
65. Tony & The Tygerz - Bring Out The Tiger In You (Kellog's Frosted Sleaze)
66(6). MENNOWAR - Triumph Of Stuhl / The Emperor Of Death (Clear Splatter Vinyl Split Single, Epic Speed Metal)
67. DOMINATION SYNDROME - Axis of Undisputed Force (Technischer Death-Thrash Metal aus Florida)
68. MĂĽsketyyr - Raising the swords to hail the king (Ă–bscĂĽre NWOBHM Single 1981, 5 copies with P/S)
69. THE LIMITERS - Wicked Underground (Obscure Private Metal)
70. GOAT IMPALER - Horns of Blasphemy (Black Death Metal aus Singapur)
71. PRAXXIS - Integral Moon [Technical-Progressive-Thrash]
72. MAJESTIC RAINBOW - SILENT POEMS FROM A BETTER WORLD, PART 1: IN THE WOODS - THE RAINBOW AND THE UNICORN (True Symphonic Sackrasierer Power Metal aus Darmstadt-Wixhausen, latest Nuclear Blast Signing, Holzrinde Edition)
73. SPOCKS ANGEL OF DEATH - Beams Of Lava (Vulcanic Metal)
74. DIE ARBEITSLOSEN AKADEMIKER - Schöne Metzgerin (Anarcho-Fun-Punk aus Bottrop)
75. PAVLOS THE INJECTĂ–R - The LAtex Babes Of Estros [Epic-Metal]
76. MOTĂ–RWHORE - Fuck 'Em All (Rock'n'Roll)
77. KOHLE UN STAHL – Unsern Ruhrpott (Ruhrpöttian NWoBHM mit Texten über den alltäglichen Wahnsinn im Ruhrpott)
78. NEVER HEARD OF JUDAS PRIEST - Who The Fuck Are Black Sabbath? (Nu True Heavy Doom Metal, Rise Above Records, limitiert auf 100 Lila, 100 Rosa, 200 Orange, 300 GrĂĽn, 400 Kirschgeschmack)
79. DREAMGALLERY - Timeless Sanctity (Prog Metal mit Fotomontage von Sanduhr vor grauem Himmel auf dem Cover)
80. FROST AND TOTAL WAR - Fuck The Open-Minded (Regressive Epic Black Metal from Norway. AAAARGHH!)
81. ERDAL "ANATOLIAN STALLION" KASHMIRÖGLU - BISCHE SCHARF UN´SUM MITNEHME? (ca. 1964/65, türkischer Protometal und erster Künstler mit Rock Döts im Namen - wenn auch ungewollt)
82. BIBLE THROWER - Honour, Valour, God (White-Kreuzzugs-Metal)
83. ACRYLATOR THE ENFORCER / LUNATIC LOOMIS - Seek And Destroy All Errors (Split-LP, Make No Mistake Records)
84. TRUE METAL WARRIOR - Joking To Megadeath (6-LP-Boxset, BrĂĽll Productions)
85. VORHAUTTALG - (L)AUTONOMES SMEGMA (Demotape, Straight Edge Crust Metalpunk aus Bottrum)
86. CEREALS OF SMOG - Crunchy Whips Of Slaughter (biological correctness metal, green vinyl)
Sacred Metal-Legende
Beiträge: 10994
Registriert: 4. Oktober 2005, 12:56

Re: Die 100 Sacred Metal-Pflicht-Alben, die es gar nicht gib

Beitragvon rapanzel » 26. Januar 2011, 15:34

1. WITHERED - The knives of thousand suns (Funeral Doom)
2. ANIRION - Tales from Spectral Worlds (Progressive Power Metal)
3. THE DEVIL'S GHOST - Nox Saturnaliae (Occult Retro Rock)
4. SAVVAGER - Nights of Blood (Schwedischer Heavy/Speed Metal)
5. NEBELANGST - Gräulich finster Waldgetier (Pagan/Black Metal)
6. BETTEL ARM - With Sword In Ass (True Metal)
7. BOMBAY SUPER SLUTS - Spit It Out And Lick It Up (Skandinavischer Sleaze n' Punk 'n Roll)
8. HEIDENHEIM - Es saĂźen die alten Germanen... (Pagan Metal)
9. AQUILONIAN THRONE - Titans of War (Epic Metal)
10. AUSWEIDUNG - Fritz Haarmann und die Puppenjungs (Goregrind)
11. PACIFIC LAW - The Silver Log (Epic Metal)
12. HELLCAT - Dark Legions (angesleazter US Power Metal)
13. BLACK STAR - Plague in Lucifers Mind (Psychedelic Doom Metal)
14. BATTLECHRYST - God's Warriors [Teutonic White Metal]
16. SPITZER - Heavy Mörtel Rohbau (DDR Metal)
17. WARTANK - Pure Filth Of Mayhem (Punk Metal)
19. DARK PROPHETS - Metal Storm - Rainbowed Water (Private US Metal]
20. IMMĂ–RTEL - Battles In The Beton [True-Black-Metal]
21. AXE HERO - Brainstorm (Italian Epic Metal)
22. DISPERATE HOUSEWIVES - Cook Nothing Tidy Nothing Clean Nothing (Feminist D-beat Punk)
23. MEDIEVAL KNIGHT - The Witch of Methusalem (US Metal, EP, Privatpressung von 1984, limitiert auf 100 Exemplare)
24. EASTERN ORBIT - Future Force (Space Metal from Japan)
25. SS SUPER SAVAGE - We Are Strong And You Will Die (Death/Thrash)
26. HELLISH COWMASTER - Texas Terror (Progressive Sludgecore)
27. ANCIENT FOREST -The Forest Whispers My Nickname [Black-Metal]
28. ZEUS (Can) - Chariots of Steel (True Metal)
29. SCHLEYER - Autumn Awaits (Anarcho Thrash)
30. WYTCHCYRCLE - The 7 Gates Of Hell (Occult NWOBHM/Doom Metal)
31. CYBERKULTUR - Synthesis (Texas Techno Thrash Demo)
32. IRON BATALLION - The Holy Power Of The Dragon Sword (Symphonic Nintendo Metal)
33. THE GASMASKS - Suburban Tyrant (Alcoholic Oldschool Thrash Metal)
34. DISGOAT - Warkult Opposition (D-Beat War Black Metal)
35. GLORY NORTH - National Force (NS True Metal from Sweden)
36. EXXAMPLE - To Monolithic Forests (US Power/Progressive Metal
37. SPIEßRUTENLAUF - Klabautermänner und Tintenfisch (Mittelalter meets Rammstein Crossover)
38. PINKTHRONE - Immortality Is Gay (Real Metal)
39. CRYSTAL LOGIC - The Road To Manilla (Epic Metal)
40. ANAAL NAKTARSH - Total Fucking Gay (Black Metal)
41. SERIOUS BUSINESS - Music Is... (Post Progressive Power Rock)
42. AXECUTION - Sardonic Destruction (Rumpel-Proto-Death/Thrash, 1985)
43. KILLER AXXE - Invasion Of The Robots (Crap Metal, erschienen auf Metal Enterprises)
44. FURZUM - Las Leis Ein Farn (Black Metal)
45. ELVENFART - Stench of the Ancient ones [Melodic Dramatic & Progressive Symphonic Hollywood Metal]
46. BLASPHEMIC DESECRATION - Lords of Sadistic Exectuion (Rehearsal) [Nuclear Satanic Armageddon Metal]
47. PANTHER - Speed Limit (NWOBHM)
48. STADIUM - We go far (Melodic NWOBHM)
49. - (Ultra Nihilistic Antikosmik Elite Black Metal)
51. Future War Now! - Goat Sells... And You're Buying (Anti-Life Music not for the masses)
52. BERGBAU - Schütteln & Wälzen [NWoBHM aus der DDR]
53. WHITE SUNDAY - Sunday Sunny Sunday (Doom)
54. STORMTRĂ–PERS OF THE NATO - Cold War Rising / Battlezone Berlin (NWOBHM-EInzelstĂĽck)
55. BRAUNAU - Aryan Blood Supremacy (NSBM aus Mexiko)
56. NIGHTWOLF - Dark Of New Empire (Star War-Metal, Testpressung)
57. THE WARSAW PACT - Checkpoint Charlie / Red Army Of Immortals (Melodiya Records)
58. MOTOR ROCK (Hun) - A hétköznapokban az alkohol (Hard Rock/Heavy Metal)
59. PUSSY LOVER - Rainbow In Your Eyes (Glam Metal 7" in a 10" Cover)
60. CANDIES IN THE CRADLE - Lesbian Vampire-Goat Sodomization(Erotic Black Metal)
61. KNALLFORD - Husch, das Osterhasi (Heavy Metal Ostersongs)
62. WYLDE'N WYKKYD - Slips Sluts and Panty Storms [Glam Metal]
63. S.M.B. ALL STARS - We Ate A Clown (Now On Tour With J.B.O.)
65. Tony & The Tygerz - Bring Out The Tiger In You (Kellog's Frosted Sleaze)
66(6). MENNOWAR - Triumph Of Stuhl / The Emperor Of Death (Clear Splatter Vinyl Split Single, Epic Speed Metal)
67. DOMINATION SYNDROME - Axis of Undisputed Force (Technischer Death-Thrash Metal aus Florida)
68. MĂĽsketyyr - Raising the swords to hail the king (Ă–bscĂĽre NWOBHM Single 1981, 5 copies with P/S)
69. THE LIMITERS - Wicked Underground (Obscure Private Metal)
70. GOAT IMPALER - Horns of Blasphemy (Black Death Metal aus Singapur)
71. PRAXXIS - Integral Moon [Technical-Progressive-Thrash]
72. MAJESTIC RAINBOW - SILENT POEMS FROM A BETTER WORLD, PART 1: IN THE WOODS - THE RAINBOW AND THE UNICORN (True Symphonic Sackrasierer Power Metal aus Darmstadt-Wixhausen, latest Nuclear Blast Signing, Holzrinde Edition)
73. SPOCKS ANGEL OF DEATH - Beams Of Lava (Vulcanic Metal)
74. DIE ARBEITSLOSEN AKADEMIKER - Schöne Metzgerin (Anarcho-Fun-Punk aus Bottrop)
75. PAVLOS THE INJECTĂ–R - The LAtex Babes Of Estros [Epic-Metal]
76. MOTĂ–RWHORE - Fuck 'Em All (Rock'n'Roll)
77. KOHLE UN STAHL – Unsern Ruhrpott (Ruhrpöttian NWoBHM mit Texten über den alltäglichen Wahnsinn im Ruhrpott)
78. NEVER HEARD OF JUDAS PRIEST - Who The Fuck Are Black Sabbath? (Nu True Heavy Doom Metal, Rise Above Records, limitiert auf 100 Lila, 100 Rosa, 200 Orange, 300 GrĂĽn, 400 Kirschgeschmack)
79. DREAMGALLERY - Timeless Sanctity (Prog Metal mit Fotomontage von Sanduhr vor grauem Himmel auf dem Cover)
80. FROST AND TOTAL WAR - Fuck The Open-Minded (Regressive Epic Black Metal from Norway. AAAARGHH!)
81. ERDAL "ANATOLIAN STALLION" KASHMIRÖGLU - BISCHE SCHARF UN´SUM MITNEHME? (ca. 1964/65, türkischer Protometal und erster Künstler mit Rock Döts im Namen - wenn auch ungewollt)
82. BIBLE THROWER - Honour, Valour, God (White-Kreuzzugs-Metal)
83. ACRYLATOR THE ENFORCER / LUNATIC LOOMIS - Seek And Destroy All Errors (Split-LP, Make No Mistake Records)
84. TRUE METAL WARRIOR - Joking To Megadeath (6-LP-Boxset, BrĂĽll Productions)
85. VORHAUTTALG - (L)AUTONOMES SMEGMA (Demotape, Straight Edge Crust Metalpunk aus Bottrum)
86. CEREALS OF SMOG - Crunchy Whips Of Slaughter (biological correctness metal, green vinyl)
87. EJACULATĂ–R - Milf'em All (Act IV) [Teutonic-Thrash]
An obscene invention of twisted minds:

Full Moon Fistbanger
Beiträge: 20907
Registriert: 9. April 2008, 11:07
Wohnort: Herborn


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