40 Watt Sun

Schreibt euch die Finger wund ĂŒber das große Thema "Metal" - ĂŒber neue Platten, neue Bands, Konzerte etc.

Moderator: Loomis

Re: 40 Watt Sun - The Inside Room

Beitragvon Siebi » 30. Januar 2012, 18:52

Die Trendwende zu guten Ohren. :lol:
Der Sound stört mich hier gar nie nicht, das ist einfach wunderschön trauriger Doom, wie ich ihn mag. Nix Fake, nix Hype, nix Retrorock-Quarktaschen (CR by Cromwell), nach wie vor ein tolles Album. Gleich mal rauslegen, wenn die aktuelle und auch letzte Defiance (RIP) zum x-ten Mal durch ist. Ein feines Thrashalbum, das teilweise durch Esquivels Gesang Testament zitiert. Anderes Thema...
BeitrÀge: 18470
Registriert: 22. Juli 2007, 13:08

Re: 40 Watt Sun - The Inside Room

Beitragvon Acurus-Heiko » 30. Januar 2012, 20:21

Siebi hat geschrieben:Die Trendwende zu guten Ohren. :lol:

Das wÀre nicht gut. Denn alles andere kann ich ja im Moment nicht gut hören. Aber ich nutzte die Zeit, um mich mit der 40 Watt Sun zu befassen.
Metal is "orchestrated technological Nihilism" (Lester Bangs) and "heroical Realism" (me)

BeitrÀge: 6723
Registriert: 25. Juni 2007, 10:49
Wohnort: Kreta

Re: 40 Watt Sun - The Inside Room

Beitragvon holg » 13. November 2012, 17:37

Von Patricks Fb-Profil:

Official Statement from Patrick Walker

It was recently brought to my attention by a Warning fan that my 2006 album, Watching from a Distance, was being reissued on vinyl. ‘Would I be receiving any copies?’ he asked, ‘and would I have any for sale?’
I felt rather embarrassed to say the least as this was certainly the first I had heard of it. After a brief online search I came across the website of
Kreation Records in America advertising pre-sales of a vinyl reissue of the album.
I immediately telephoned the label and asked who the record was licensed from and what the deal was; to my knowledge Cyclone Empire had exclusive rights to the album.
It transpired that Cyclone Empire had been licensed the album for CD release only. Miskatonic Foundation had licensed the record to Kreation for a vinyl reissue (the first vinyl release was the attractive but hard-to-find Metal Supremacy release in 2008).
I was angry and upset that this record has been reissued without my band’s knowledge and consent, without our involvement in its conception and design, and that no offer has been made to us to participate in the profit of this release.
This morning I received a shipment of the reissued album from Kreation Records (our share of the deal, apparently) and I was heartbroken and utterly deflated. Everything from the bastardised cover art, badly photoshopped and redesigned text layout, bad quality packaging and even a new “thanks list” penned by The Miskatonic Foundation is reason enough for me to ask you that if you care about Warning and its music then to consider this statement before investing.
While it is not in my nature to vent publically, I feel I have no choice now other than to offer an explanation and an apology of sorts for the poor-quality release which, regrettably, bears the name of me and my band.
I was hoping to one day produce an “official” vinyl reissue of this album that we could be proud of. We have a small handful of bonus materials that I’d like to have been used, and would like to have overseen the release from its conception right through to the finished article.
The bottom line is, I want it to be known that Kreation Records’ reissue of Watching from a Distance is, as far as I am concerned, unofficial, does not reflect myself or Warning and is not something that we are profiteering from in any way. The shipment of records I received this morning are going to be returned.

Thank you for reading.
Patrick Walker
Sacred Metal-Legende
BeitrÀge: 10994
Registriert: 4. Oktober 2005, 12:56

Re: 40 Watt Sun - The Inside Room

Beitragvon Michael@SacredMetal » 13. November 2012, 18:23

Was fĂŒr eine Frechheit.
Unsere Szene ist schon toll...
For all the words unspoken, for all the deeds undone,
for all our shattered dreams, for all the songs unsung,
for all the lines unwritten and all our broken hearts,
for all our wounds still bleeding and all our kingdoms come.
M e r c y f u l F a t e
BeitrÀge: 12509
Registriert: 6. Januar 2004, 16:45
Wohnort: Osnabrueck

Re: 40 Watt Sun - The Inside Room

Beitragvon Loomis » 13. November 2012, 19:25

Miskatonic Foundation hat die Lizenz an Kreation gegeben? Aber ist der Chef von Miskatonic nicht Rich Walker, der Bruder von Pat Walker? Reden die nicht miteinander?
Sacred Metal-Legende
BeitrÀge: 14219
Registriert: 15. Juli 2007, 23:53
Wohnort: (Slowly We)Rot

Re: 40 Watt Sun - The Inside Room

Beitragvon Titus » 13. November 2012, 23:04

Also wenn ich die Liner Notes der Warning-Demos richtig in Erinnerung habe, ist es keinesfalls so, dass die Walkers miteinander verwandt wÀren?!
So oder so ist und bleibt das Lizenzen weitergeben ohne RĂŒcksprache mit der Band zu halten ein grandios arschlochiger Zug.
I live in metallic fury
BeitrÀge: 580
Registriert: 22. Oktober 2009, 18:15
Wohnort: Hamburg

Re: 40 Watt Sun - The Inside Room

Beitragvon Cromlech » 13. November 2012, 23:19

Titus hat geschrieben:Also wenn ich die Liner Notes der Warning-Demos richtig in Erinnerung habe, ist es keinesfalls so, dass die Walkers miteinander verwandt wÀren?!
So oder so ist und bleibt das Lizenzen weitergeben ohne RĂŒcksprache mit der Band zu halten ein grandios arschlochiger Zug.

Beides völlig richtig!
BeitrÀge: 57
Registriert: 3. Oktober 2011, 11:57

Re: 40 Watt Sun - The Inside Room

Beitragvon Loomis » 13. November 2012, 23:35

Na sowas, wie komme ich denn da drauf? Manchmal sollte man vielleicht doch nicht 1 und 1 (also Walker und Walker) zusammenzÀhlen.
Sacred Metal-Legende
BeitrÀge: 14219
Registriert: 15. Juli 2007, 23:53
Wohnort: (Slowly We)Rot

Re: 40 Watt Sun - The Inside Room

Beitragvon Holy Mighty Stormwitch » 14. November 2012, 05:50

Titus hat geschrieben:Also wenn ich die Liner Notes der Warning-Demos richtig in Erinnerung habe, ist es keinesfalls so, dass die Walkers miteinander verwandt wÀren?!

Das weiß niemand mehr so genau. Anfangs hieß es, die Beiden wĂ€ren Cousins. Im Sommer 2011 meinte Pat, dass das gar nicht stimmt und Rich das nur gesagt hĂ€tte, um auf Kosten von Warning selbst im GesprĂ€ch zu bleiben. Andererseits gibt es wohl im Fanzine Elysium ein Interview mit Pat, in dem er selbst behauptet Richs Cousin zu sein. Ich habÂŽ den Durchblick schon lange verloren...
Na vrh brda vrba mrda
Holy Mighty Stormwitch
BeitrÀge: 7431
Registriert: 21. November 2004, 19:23

Re: 40 Watt Sun - The Inside Room

Beitragvon Ghoul » 14. November 2012, 10:43

Aus dem Metalireland-Forum:
ISEN TORR hat geschrieben:
Nekroculchie hat geschrieben:I'd like to hear Miskatonic's side of the story as this seems very odd.

There's no "Side". He's known about it for ages the fucking prat.

It might have helped if he hadn't done a runner down to Cornwall, and acted like a total arrogant prick.

Lets just say, that Miskatonic hasn't existed for over a year now as an ongoing concern, he gets his 50% share of everything licensed, which is 35 % more of what he'd get from any "Metal" label, and he doesn't pay Stu or Marcus a penny, and they haven't seen anything ever to my knowledge. His sales statements support this fact. He's seen more money than anyone, and as I financed both albums recording, pressing, and designed the artworks for him, I am entitled to recoup my losses when and where I see fit unless he opts to buy out.

Make no mistake, I lost ÂŁ4000 on "The strength to dream" originally, and the original 1000 pressing of "Watching" barely broke even on the amount of money spent on studio time and pressing three different versions

If he doesn't like it, he needs to take it up with Kreation, personally the releases I've seen have been fine, which was why they were granted a license, and Kreation need to sort it out for him. And if anyone can see me driving around in a fucking Rolls Royce, from the pittance I've clawed back from supporting bands and pissing my own money down the drain, then I'll wank Fart off in public.

*Edit* And if someone can let him know, I think selling his own autograph on ebay under his "Maurice Bendrix" ID makes him look like a sad grabbing gobshite, I'd appreciate it!

BeitrÀge: 5222
Registriert: 7. November 2006, 20:26
Wohnort: Augsburg

Re: 40 Watt Sun - The Inside Room

Beitragvon Michael@SacredMetal » 14. November 2012, 20:58

Schön den Wind aus den Segeln nehmend - wie immer.
Er sollte PĂ€dagoge werden.
For all the words unspoken, for all the deeds undone,
for all our shattered dreams, for all the songs unsung,
for all the lines unwritten and all our broken hearts,
for all our wounds still bleeding and all our kingdoms come.
M e r c y f u l F a t e
BeitrÀge: 12509
Registriert: 6. Januar 2004, 16:45
Wohnort: Osnabrueck

Re: 40 Watt Sun - The Inside Room

Beitragvon holg » 14. November 2012, 22:55

Ghoul hat geschrieben:Aus dem Metalireland-Forum:
ISEN TORR hat geschrieben:
Nekroculchie hat geschrieben:I'd like to hear Miskatonic's side of the story as this seems very odd.

There's no "Side". He's known about it for ages the fucking prat.

It might have helped if he hadn't done a runner down to Cornwall, and acted like a total arrogant prick.

Lets just say, that Miskatonic hasn't existed for over a year now as an ongoing concern, he gets his 50% share of everything licensed, which is 35 % more of what he'd get from any "Metal" label, and he doesn't pay Stu or Marcus a penny, and they haven't seen anything ever to my knowledge. His sales statements support this fact. He's seen more money than anyone, and as I financed both albums recording, pressing, and designed the artworks for him, I am entitled to recoup my losses when and where I see fit unless he opts to buy out.

Make no mistake, I lost ÂŁ4000 on "The strength to dream" originally, and the original 1000 pressing of "Watching" barely broke even on the amount of money spent on studio time and pressing three different versions

If he doesn't like it, he needs to take it up with Kreation, personally the releases I've seen have been fine, which was why they were granted a license, and Kreation need to sort it out for him. And if anyone can see me driving around in a fucking Rolls Royce, from the pittance I've clawed back from supporting bands and pissing my own money down the drain, then I'll wank Fart off in public.

*Edit* And if someone can let him know, I think selling his own autograph on ebay under his "Maurice Bendrix" ID makes him look like a sad grabbing gobshite, I'd appreciate it!


Sacred Metal-Legende
BeitrÀge: 10994
Registriert: 4. Oktober 2005, 12:56

Re: 40 Watt Sun - The Inside Room

Beitragvon Holy Mighty Stormwitch » 14. November 2012, 23:48

Michael@SacredMetal hat geschrieben:Schön den Wind aus den Segeln nehmend - wie immer.
Er sollte PĂ€dagoge werden.

Euer Team braucht wohl ein wenig VerstÀrkung... :-D .
Na vrh brda vrba mrda
Holy Mighty Stormwitch
BeitrÀge: 7431
Registriert: 21. November 2004, 19:23

Re: 40 Watt Sun - The Inside Room

Beitragvon Acurus-Heiko » 5. MĂ€rz 2016, 19:17

Jetzt, nachdem ich einen Umzug gemeistert und mir einen Hörraum eingerichtet habe, kann ich der Scheibe noch mal eine weitere Chance geben. Eine der vielen. Zwar wackeln bei den Gitarren noch immer die Inlays, aber es ist nicht mehr ganz so schlimm. Zumindest bilde ich mir das nach den ersten Minuten ein. Mal gucken, wann das erste Inlay rausfÀllt :)

Und wÀhrend ich das schreibe, gucke ich mal auf Facebook nach, was die Band so treibt ...




Sie tourt fleißig weiter, ist offenbar sehr lebendig. Ich scrolle mal etwas ...




Und siehe da, am 28. MĂ€rz 2014 wurde folgendes verkĂŒndet:


40 WATT SUN have confirmed that writing is complete, and that this month they have begun the recording of their new album - the follow-up to 2011’s The Inside Room.

Recording will take place in Wales throughout the spring and summer and will be, once again, self-produced by the band. 40 Watt Sun have played a handful of intimate shows over the past six months, showcasing tracks that will appear on the new album, as well as playing older favourites.

Vocalist and guitarist, Patrick Walker, commented: “The songs for this album have been written over the course of the past twelve months. Though a natural progression from the last record, this time the music is more texturally varied and I've tried to allow an even greater spontaneity to the songwriting."

More details to follow soon."

Und wĂ€hrend ich das poste, geht mir der Sound schon wieder voll auf den Senkel. Dabei ist das erste Lied noch am laufen. Also, liebe Band, wenn ihr noch immer mit dem Gedanken spielt, irgendwann eine neue Scheibe aufzunehmen, dann lasst bitte jemand an den Sound, der weiß, wie das geht. MACHT ES NICHT MEHR SELBER!!
Metal is "orchestrated technological Nihilism" (Lester Bangs) and "heroical Realism" (me)

BeitrÀge: 6723
Registriert: 25. Juni 2007, 10:49
Wohnort: Kreta

Re: 40 Watt Sun - The Inside Room

Beitragvon Fire Down Under » 5. MĂ€rz 2016, 19:30

Die nÀchste Scheibe wird aber sehr wahrscheinlich kein Metal mehr sein.


Pommes und Katzen.
Fire Down Under
BeitrÀge: 16719
Registriert: 20. Mai 2010, 20:42
Wohnort: MĂŒnchen


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