Enigma feature?

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Beitragvon big mouth » 12. April 2007, 09:14

In recent months I had the 'pleasure' to be in touch with a former Eniglma employee, Steve Browlee...the man agreed right away on doing a feature about Enigma for the label special section...everything seemed cool but suddenly no more answer nothing while the dude continues to post on MySpace (which means he was not ill or whatever..
If you want to see that Enigma feature happening (maybe), I suggest to check his webpage and put some pressure on him at:
<a href='http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=22858475&MyToken=86345ed0-a790-4e01-a110-c851ef77caad' target='_blank'>http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea...10-c851ef77caad</a>
A feature on Enigma couldhave been cool!
big mouth
BeitrÀge: 419
Registriert: 3. August 2005, 10:53

Beitragvon Michael@SacredMetal » 12. April 2007, 10:11

Hi Laurent!

Message sent!

For all the words unspoken, for all the deeds undone,
for all our shattered dreams, for all the songs unsung,
for all the lines unwritten and all our broken hearts,
for all our wounds still bleeding and all our kingdoms come.
M e r c y f u l F a t e
BeitrÀge: 12509
Registriert: 6. Januar 2004, 16:45
Wohnort: Osnabrueck

Beitragvon big mouth » 13. April 2007, 23:35

Hope more people followed you Michael! THANKS BRO! If only it could help getting this feature done!
big mouth
BeitrÀge: 419
Registriert: 3. August 2005, 10:53

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