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BeitragVerfasst: 25. August 2005, 18:33
von big mouth
Now one that shpould interest you coming from bands -kinda realistically considering some are impossible to locate- that you'd like to see featured in Snakepit! How about ZOETROPE? AFTERMATH (Chicago) for example?

BeitragVerfasst: 25. August 2005, 19:47
Messiah and Poltergeist from Switzerland
Hobbs Angel of Death from Australia

Just a thought. :)

BeitragVerfasst: 25. August 2005, 20:05
von Prof
Lordbane (US)
ShadowKeep (UK)
Jewel (NL)
Arcane (US)
Omega Point (US)
Battleroar (GR)
Fifth Angel (US)
Horcas (ARG)
Brick Mistress (US)
Omega (UK) name just a few.

BeitragVerfasst: 25. August 2005, 20:59
von pepsiswasp
How about (if locatable):
ESP (The Future Is Now)
Toxik (already featured? Only have issues 3, 12, 13, 14 at the moment)
Lethal (Programmed)
Breaker (Get Tough!)
Commander (The High 'N' Mighty)
Psychotic Waltz

BeitragVerfasst: 25. August 2005, 22:24
von kmuk
A Story about the Bands from the Heavy Artillery Compilation.


Fester (USA)

Holy Terror

BeitragVerfasst: 26. August 2005, 06:53
von MSC2471
Holy Terror has been covered twice in the pages of Snakepit- an interview with Mike Alvord in issue 6 and Kurt Kilfelt in issue 9, but who knows with their new re-release of their two albums plus bonus material you may see something on them in the future.

Toxik we have covered in the past (I believe it was issue 9 again with vocalist Mike Sanders and guitarist Josh Christian) but there will be another feature with drummer Tad Leger in the upcoming 15th issue.

I would like to do something on ESP and Lord Bane, two of the better New England unheralded metal acts. I've just recently gotten in touch with the drummer from Enforce, which was a progressive/traditional metal band from Maryland featuring the former Have Mercy vocalist and guitarist...

Keep the suggestions coming.


BeitragVerfasst: 26. August 2005, 09:08
von big mouth
ATHEIUST and BREAKER have been covered in Snakepit as deep as we could...issue 8 I believe... Roger Patterson was even on the cover of issue 8.
CYNIC is on the works but it's damn hard getting something done with Masvidal/ reinert....

BeitragVerfasst: 26. August 2005, 09:25
von Oliver/Keep-It-True
VALKYRIE (Holland)

BeitragVerfasst: 26. August 2005, 09:30
von ShoveIt
Witchfinder General !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cloven Hoof

BeitragVerfasst: 26. August 2005, 16:14
von kmuk
DOGZ/ FLOTSAM & JETSAM the early years

BeitragVerfasst: 27. August 2005, 10:37
von Kiss of Death

BeitragVerfasst: 27. August 2005, 11:33
von big mouth
WITCHFINDER GENERAL...I'm trying..I'm trying... one door got close because of that asshole who does the W. G. site but another one is open right now... I cross my fingers.
ATTACKER have been featured extensively 2 times but now with Lou Ciarlo' s return I should maybe do an update one..yes!
M. ROAD..Hmmm well I don't know what I coumld add to all the extensive interviews that has been done everywhere (Steel Conjuring..), just like for C. UNGOL.. I guess there's nothing I could add on those bands..same for B. HELM....BLACK DEATH...yeah I'll see for this one.... I still have a PURGATORY one ijn the works but the guys are so unprofessional that I doubt it'll happen...

BeitragVerfasst: 27. August 2005, 12:56
von Prof
Well, there are two other bands on my Snakepit-wishlist:
White Spirit and Steel Angel. Unless you covered them in issue no. 1, which is the only one missing in my collection. :(

And there's a new band from Austin, TX that I recommend to anyone into Texas heavy progressive stuff: Meyvn. I did a review in German for this website and love their first 'Last rites'-album that they put out as a cd-r. Amazing singer and guitar player, excellent ideas, riffs and arrangements from start to finish. I can see them going a long way and they really deserve a feature in the 'Pit. Their style is somewhere between A & Z, meaning Anacrusis & Zero Hour.
They're very communicative as well. Website:
Tell 'em we sent you. B)

BeitragVerfasst: 27. August 2005, 19:50
von Stormbringer
Here's a few bands I wouldn't mind seeing in future issues of the mighty Snakepit...

Metal Church
Black Death
Witchfinder General
Der Kaiser
Saint Vitus
Count Raven
Flotsam and Jetsam
Anthrax (early days)
Sabbat (UK)

I know it'll never happen and that the man's an a-hole, but a in depth interview with John Cyriis about all his bands through the years would probably be #1 for me.

I believe a label special with Rave On is in the works? Hellhound would be cool to read more about as well.

BeitragVerfasst: 27. August 2005, 22:52
von Temple of Blood
I think you guys have mentioned most of the bands I would like to see, but I'd like to add BRAINICIDE, MERCURY RISING, LUCIAN BLAQUE, PSYCHO SCREAM, and WINTERS BANE. Awesome stuff!

I'd also really like to see LORD BAND, FLOTSAM AND JETSAM, and METAL CHURCH.